Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

One World Order Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Smart people know that Barack Obama is a Negro Radical and leans hard in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) in America, such a sweet name.

Smart people know that Barack Obama is a Negro Radical and leans hard in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) in America, such a sweet name.   The one world order is upon us as the hundreds of different Obama Clinton schemes are coming together while at the same time the truth is coming out.  Protect your family.  Protect your country.  Protect your constitution, you're the last hope and only hope can defeat fear.

A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchist’s who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.  There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited." 

We already know that Barack Obama is willing to kill/murder/abort millions of Negro's with government cash by using Planned Parenthood.  We already know that Barack Obama bribed and forced ObamaCare on the American people and they will never keep their doctor, even if they can find a new one. We know that the socialist radical is taking harden Islamic Radical Killers and releasing them on the world and plans to empty GITMO Cuba and give the lease back to the Castro brothers.  We know that Barack Obama plans on opening the jail cells and allow felons to roam the streets of America and making sure they can vote.  

We watched as Barack Obama whispered a promise to Vladimir Putin of Russia and Crimea is lost, Ukraine is under direct attack and Syria will fall to total Russian control.  We know that Barack Obama is up to his ass in Fast and Furious gun running to the drug cartels in Mexico.  This roster of Barack Obama failures and lies to the American people can go on for 100,000 more words, it never ends.  Barack Obama must support the illegal aliens because the borders are wide open and Islamic Jihadist warriors walk to your town.  It's time that you consider the actual physical removal of Barack Obama.  It is time that you remember that the I.R.S. targeted conservative groups and he promised to get to the bottom of the treason against the Constitution.  

We know that Barack Obama work with Iran in Secret for over two years before the public was made aware of the secret Iran Nuclear weapons deal.  We know that Barack Hussein Obama is a total failure and Americans are being killed across the nation, the last place was Orlando Florida where 49 Americans were killed in a gay/queer bar.  We know that Barack Obama supports same sex marriage now but he didn't before.  We know that Barack Obama drew a red line in the sands of Syria which he did not enforce and hundreds of thousands, yes hundreds of thousands have been murdered as a result.  We know that Barack Obama gave Billions of dollars to farmers that claimed discrimination.  We understand that Negro Slavery is a big money maker for Barack Obama so the racial stew is stirred, Baltimore burns to the ground and nothing is improving.  We can prove that Negro's in America do not work, cannot find work, have babies with multiple women and they live on welfare and want more and more.  We know that Chicago is a kill zone and we also know that Barack Obama does nothing.  We read that millions of young adult Americans owe $1.3 Trillion dollars for college and cannot get a job.  There are now workers planning or digging for a new oil pipeline and Barack Obama wants oil shale fracking shut down for ever and everybody live in caves with a wind turbine outside.  We can trace back the Mecury water killing children all the way back to the E.P.A. but nothing will be done.  We see that the NSA has a file on every American, records your emails, listens to phone conversations while terrorist sneak around America.  We see that China is expanding and our U.S. Navy is shrinking and cannot win a Naval battle with the Communist bastards.  How much do you need Congress, how long will you wait, are you so afraid of the Negro Radical Barack Obama and Socialist Hillary Clinton  you're hiding behind words while young adults are being murdered, unborn babies are being cut up and sold like in a butcher shop.  What are you afraid of?

Stop Obama
Stop Hillary Clinton, she's merely the next chapter of the same book.
Don't be afraid, you have Constitutional rights, guaranteed.


Evil has a name. Evil lurks in your community, and it's your Congressional Representative, in both the House and the Senate.  It's clear now that both Progressive Socialist Democrats like Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Kerry, Bill De Blasio and GOP Republicans have bucked the people and maybe for the last time.
The average person with any intelligence understands now that ObamaCare was a socialist move to downgrade the free enterprise system and your Constitutional rights. 
Even the slowest, under educated, poorly motivated white and colored sections of our society are now wondering; why no jobs?  Why are 94 million men and women not working?  Why are 46 million people being given a free food pass?  Why do some people get cash money to help pay their rent?  Why do millions of people never have to pay for a doctor's visit or a hospital stay?   Why are local mayors giving room to rioters and street gangsters to burn down towns, rob stores, hurt people including the cops on the street?  Why are ISIS warriors allowed to cross our borders with millions of illegal aliens every year?  How can Lois Lerner break the law and remain free with her get out of jail card from Eric Holder, Barack Obama and now DOJ Lynch?  How did Jonathan Gruber remain safe and out of prison after lying to the American people about ObamaCare to trick the deal into law?  How can it be that Iran will soon have a nuclear weapon authorized by Barack Obama?  Did Obama really just release six more Islamic Radical Jihadists back into the battlefield around Oman from GITMO in Curba?  Can Hillary Rodham Clinton really become president after we found out that her private computer server contained all our government records and were deleted?  Is the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation "The Clinton Foundation" really some organized criminal enterprise subject to RICO prosecution?



Bengahzi the murdering of Americans
IRS Lois Lerner secretly using the force of government to stop the Tea Party
Fast and Furious the running of illegal guns to drug cartels in Mexico
DHS Border Patrol Open Borders the rush of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens
CBP Customs Border Patrol Total failure to secure the border.
Syrian Red Line the killing of hundreds of thousands of people by Obama's refusal to help
Crimea Invasion and Putin the expansion of the old Communist Soviet Empire

VA Veterans Administration Death Waiting List for cash bonuses and awards

NSA Spying against FOX news reporter Rosen
Solyndra Solar Scam the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars with no results
Keystone Pipeline never to be build so wealthy friends can haul oil on their railroad
Federal Reserve the creation of trillions of fiat-fake money destroying the dollar

Barack Obama whispering a secret deal to Soviet Union Russia Putin

NSA Spying against AP Associated Press
Welfare Food Stamps over 50 million people being fed daily by the government
ObamaCare the ACA Affordable Care Act Communist Socialist control over medical care
Iran Nuclear Program given time to build a complete nuclear weapons system
Iraq Premature Troop Withdrawl and Obama's failure to protect the investment in blood and money
ISIS and other Islamic Caliphate members allowed to build a nation of terrorists
Planned Parenthood funding by Obama allowed to kill hundreds of thousands of Negros
Illegal Aliens by the millions allowed to remain inside the United States without deportation
Main Stream Media bribed and bought and paid for by Obama and controlled by the FCC
LGBT Gay Marriage Movement against the wishes of the American people
Unemployment Under-employment raging across America
False Government Reporting and broadcasting half truths and lies-staged White House briefings
Bundy Cattle Ranch as BLM raids the lone rancher who was late paying fees
DHS Department of Homeland Security TSA airport security abusing individual rights
The Lying Obama President Obama clearly a liar and continues to lie to the America people

Dictatorial Power Obama ignores Congress and uses Executive Orders against the people

DOJ Department of Justice is racial - radical - and resists the Constitution

NSA National Security Agencies spying on each American and others around the world

IRS Lois Lerner IRS Commission Koskinen corruption destruction of records

EPA Gina McCarthy War on Coal - Closing Power Plants - Surging Energy Prices

DHS Jeh Johnson Open Borders - FEMA domestic camps and prisons

Bergdhal Taliban Five (5) Terrorist Trade from GITMO for the Traitors Return

NSA Snowden Security Collapse allowing the discovery of illegal government activity

Caliphate Formed Islamic Muslim Taliban Al-Qaeda ISIS Army Syria Iran Iraq


While all this is going on Barack Obama hiding inside his evil empire deep within the peoples house has another dastardly plan to destroy you and your family.

You've heard about the Obama's Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which would give the radical Barack Obama to absolute fast-track power to make trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  He can just sign the deal and it becomes legal and what we already know Barack Obama will give away the wealth of America.

The Trade Bill must be stopped because of the fine print that not one person can legally share with you.  The Trade Bill opens the borders of the United States.

Yes, by law, the borders will be open to foreign workers and they will come by the millions to create products and services for their foreign governments and create a giant stream of cash and gold leaving America.

We now have 25 million illegal Aliens living in the shadows and not one person is brave enough to stop them, corral them and bus them back to Mexico.  Your representative in Congress says one thing to you and then cuts a deal with the devil Barack Obama.  They cut deals to cash in latter.  They all become millionaires as millions of Americans have no jobs, hope is lost.

The ObamaTrade Deal will make it even worse.  The ObamaTrade deal will make ObamaCare look like a baby step because the Trans-Pacific Partnership kills the other half of the country.  Millions more jobs will be lost and middle class wages will continue to fall as Federal Reserve interest rates start moving up.  Your 401-K stock market investments will fail at the tune of 50% to 60% and it will happen in a matter of a few days.  Gold will move higher and higher as millions of men and women loose their jobs, their homes and their pride.

The Republican you sent play the debate but they're cheating and stealing their way to wealth.  They say the right things but Hillary Clinton, Louis Lerner, Jonathan Gruber are not in jail.  You can now lie, cheat and steal and avoid prosecution if you know the right people.

You may be surprised but John Boehner (R-OH) is not your representative in Congress as he's playing the shell game with votes and cash.  Representative John Boehner now threatens other Republicans that may vote against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Boehner now threatens you.

How are you going to stop him?

Boehner is bucking you directly now.

Boehner has forged a very unusual alliance with the evil Barack Obama and is selling you down the river.  


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