Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Gloves are Off at the FBI - FBI agents are talking, they're even talking about the death of Vince Foster and how she caused the death of the man she made love to over the years. They know all about Webb Hubbell being the father of Chelsea Clinton and many more hideous happenings.

Hillary Clinton's hideous crime wave started long before she was in the White House as first lady.  FBI agents are talking, they're even talking about the death of Vince Foster and how she caused the death of the man she made love to over the years. They know all about Webb Hubbell being the father of Chelsea Clinton and many more hideous happenings.
Hillary Clinton is a woman without a country even though she was rooted in America she was scorched by Bill Clinton and now Bill's black child is all over the news.  Before God and Country Hillary Clinton is dangerous to the United States and her friends are either Communist Bastards or Islamic Muslim Whores.
Hillary attached her body and soul to Bill Clinton and their crimes fill in their drab money hungry lives.  Benghazi and the Email scandals just points to the secret and torrid life of the Clinton's.
Behind closed doors she attacks Barack Obama and Bill Clinton is sure Barack Obama should be bringing them coffee, just another black man.

Hillary Clinton has been exposed as her extraordinary crime family resembles Chicago gangsters of the 1920"s.  She is the center of a crime and spy drama concerning her private secret email server and what roles do foreign donors play inside the Obama Clinton Kerry cartel inside Washington D.C.?

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