Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 30, 2016

It's funny to listen to Barack Obama in Canada talking about Donald Trump.

It's funny to listen to Barack Obama in Canada talking about Donald Trump.  We the people now fully understand that Barack Obama is a Black National Radical with that ole' time Muslim spin because the names sound cool.  Barack Obama is clearly some kind of international, open border, rotten to the core socialist wanting to be a communist.  Really Barack, go play golf.  All the late night phone calls cannot save Hillary Rodham Clinton from the Law of the People and time will tell how many years she'll spend in prison.  The Clinton Crime Machine is missing gears and spitting down the road and is about to stall out.

Clinton and President Barack Obama are on their heels with the rise of populism around the country and across the globe. Obama incredulously claimed on Wednesday that he is the real populist, not Donald Trump. 
But, it is Obama’s immigration, trade, economic, and security policies that voters worldwide are rising to roundly reject. He is the champion of bringing unvetted Middle Eastern refugees into America bearing diseases like Tuberculosis and carrying with them radical Islamic ideology that becomes terrorism. He is the president who supports open borders immigration, refuses to secure the U.S. border with Mexico, and wants to increase the amount of foreigners the United States imports to take jobs away from struggling American workers. Obama is the president who, with Clinton’s help during her time as Secretary of State, negotiated the Pacific rim trade deal — the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — along with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) and Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) deals. Also with her help — and that of House Speaker Paul Ryan, another globalist Republican who has worked against Trump in many ways — Obama rammed through Congress the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) fast track provisions that will eventually, unless Trump wins, help the globalists grease the skids to easily attain congressional approval of such multinational trade deals that damn American workers’ job prospects. It is Obama — and Clinton — who also worked decidedly against British independence in the Brexit referendum, preferring instead that America’s closest partner be tethered to the weight of globalism inside the EU.
So yes, Obama can claim he is a populist — sure, he campaigned on populist themes of hope, change and possibility back in 2008 — but his record reflects one of a globalist. What’s particularly damning for a president who cares about a fragile legacy is that he is now forced to campaign alongside one of the world’s proudest globalist elite, Hillary Clinton, to protect the legacy. All while Donald Trump, for the first time in years, has Obama rattled — and may just shatter that dream the president has of a positive legacy in history.
For over a month Clinton’s team was on the air in battleground states with blistering attack ads pre-framing her opponent, and it seemed like Trump couldn’t get anything right. But even still, he came out in most polls just a few points behind her. Now, as Trump has refined his message — and perhaps more importantly his delivery — giving a series of three key presidential-style addresses, he has retaken the lead over Secretary Clinton in the latest poll by Rasmussen Reports. And the lead is not just a point or two: It’s a four-point lead, something that on election day would be viewed as a landslide victory.
While there is still a long time to go between now and November, when Americans will select at the polls who they want to lead not just the United States but really the entire free world, a closer look at some of the things Trump has done over the past few weeks suggest that the billionaire is regaining momentum. Trump’s challenge now is to take advantage of this and race to spark an almost cannon-ball-like launch from which Clinton can never recover. Trump has hired new staff to replace former campaign mainstays including Lewandowski — like renowned former Cruz communications director Jason Miller and others — while building a fundraising operation to be able to pay the bills for a general election effort. Doing that, all while avoiding self-inflicted accidental wounds, are things that will help Trump find a rhythm again.
Clinton’s tasks are to keep Trump from launching and keep control of the political narrative. By trotting out Elizabeth Warren, the faux-populist progressive Senator from Massachusetts, as much as she can, Clinton is aiming to hold Trump back. Almost like an immovable object, the Democratic political juggernaut is using every bit of the dynasty she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have built to keep control of the political conversation. Their dynasty is not enough though. To hold Trump down the Clintons have had to mix their 20th century machine together with new tools from the 21st century progressive wing of the party, take advantage of whatever help Hillary Clinton can get from dejected Republicans like bailout king, former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.

But can Clinton keep Trump from lighting the fuse to his momentum cannon? That’s the question on everyone’s mind in Washington. If Trump gets it lit, he may become unstoppable. But if Clinton can hold him down, and prevent ignition, she may just hold on and scrape by into the White House.

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