The Negro has failed their natural rights as they continue to be hand fed by government programs funded by taxpayer dollars. The Negro is entitled to all the natural rights found within the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution but they have no rights to other peoples money, doled out by the progressive socialist democratic administrative state of Barack Obama.
Barack Obama is trying his best to force the Negro Black Man back into the past for political power. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton feel and have proven that they believe in OLIGARCHY and they, with their friends in corruption, will remain at the top and the citizen will remain at the bottom only to follow the rules and regulations the top develops and enforces against the people.

The government of Barack Obama now is the slave-owners. Follow his rules or you will not eat or have a place to live or healthcare. You, as a black man, have been cheated by your own politicians and black leadership. They will protect their own interests as they force you to believe that the white man is holding you back, keeping you dependent, poverty ridden, filling the jails and prisons. A black man still drinks and eats where the government tells him by forcing him to stay of government welfare plans.
The people like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others have their heel on your throat and they have no intention on letting you go. The borders are open and 11.2 million illegal aliens roam American, working under the table, taking the jobs that you could be working today. The more impoverished people under their control the more power they can combine to make you behave and keep your wealth for themselves.

Negro Slaves were once bought and sold inside a young America but better men saw the Negro as equal within natural rights and the Civil War set them free to learn, work and prosper.
The final Emancipation Proclamation, January 1st, 1863 was a long time ago and it took brute force to gain freedom for the Negro. Now the Barack Obama government uses sledge hammer blows to keep the Negro down, unemployed, dependent on government as he and others like Hillary Clinton grow to be billionaires. As the big unions, big government, big media and big business crowd worries about their own wealth the Negro wonders about minimum wages laws that will create more and more black unemployment.

The Negro of today worries about the Rebel Confederate Flag but intelligent Negro's must wonder why millions of unborn Negro's are being killed by the Barack Obama government, housed in public taxpayer housing, fed by government food stamps, provided medical care through ObamaCare and receive free cell phones but nothing has really changed? As a young Negro girl climbs the flag pole to take down the Confederate Flag in South Carolina it does nothing to preserve the peace that promotes prosperity as the government looks on and smiles. The dead silence from political leaders prove the point, let them fight it out on the streets which gives the government more power over them.
The responsibility of your future depends on you, not the government. As you waste your time burning down Baltimore and the loss of life is in your hands you have done nothing but create resentment from the whole country as you have trashed your own dignity, equality and rights under the law.
You have been needlessly sacrificed by your leadership as they build mansions and enjoy life. They have lost nothing and you have lost everything. As you battle they gain wealth and power and plainly proved by looking around.
Not a single court of law or a lawyer can free you from your actions. Unshackling your own freedom means you have to learn, work and try a lot harder. There are people that will help you and they will prove indispensable for your future and they are not inside the DNC Democratic Liberal Progressive Socialist Party of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.
For strength look to your past but your future is based on a quality education, a great work ethic and honest dealings. Your rebellion has lasted over 150 years but you still follow the liars to the cotton fields. You are being used for political power and your power has been removed, leaving you empty and poor. Don't give up your independence but realize that others have stolen it from you.
The Negro has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but not to the property of other people or social programs allowing him or her to become a total dependent and unable to feed his children or make some contribution to society.
Abraham Lincoln, made it clear, in 1858, that the Negro was certainly not his equal concerning color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. The color difference is obvious but it is true that the moral and intellectual endowment of the Negro tends to be self-destructive, providing a long history of poverty, violence and dependence.
The Negro eats the food (bread) that his own hands did not earn but he is still equal concerning his natural rights. The peace is being disturbed all across America as the Barack Obama Cartel continues to exploit the under-educated, under-motivated and under-employed Negro to gain political power.
The DNC Democratic Party has always tied the hands of the Negro, keeping them in slave status, one way or another and this practice continues today.
The Negro is cruelly murdering other Negro's as the Barack Obama government is funding Planned Parenthood to murder the unborn Negro but there is no outrage by the Black American Community.
Negro race baiting is simply more appeals to violence. Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, Bill De Blasio, Eric Holder, Michelle Obama, Van Jones and thousand of others make threats to stir the race to violence creating a cycle of Negro failure and poverty.
Barack Obama will not receive a pardon by American citizens as he has supported and promoted the continuing racial violence, government programs that create and continue total government control and dependence over the Negro's.
The Negro slave and their Big Government Washington D.C. Master's have divided our society which is insanity gone wild by the fanatical socialist communist radicals.
The American citizens can impeach any president and they can also move to incarcerate any fanatic radical that does not protect the U.S. Constitutional rights of all the people.
The sympathy for the Negro is gone.
Their actions speak broadly.
The free Negro wants to be nursed along and soothed by government taxpayer money as many will waste their life in prison as their master's in the government prosper.
The Negro wants a supremacy over life, law,property and civil liberty itself because they are black in color and have been enslaved over the centuries. At the same time they are wanton, malicious and unprovoked felons as demonstrated in Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago and many other places inside America.
The leadership in Washington are now Tyrants and unprincipled as they offer nothing to the civilized hard working Negro except radical teachers inside schoolhouses that teach the next generation about slaveholders and government grants and support.
The institution of slavery has been gone for over 150 years so America has regained its full honor under our Constitution but the Negro wants rebellion and only offers uncompromising hostility to the people that feed and house them and provide medical care and educational opportunities.
The Negro kills his own brother and wants to rage war and deprive other people of their natural rights and that truth has been sanctioned by the DNC Democratic Progressive Socialist government of Barack Obama.
The Tyrant brother by the name of Barack Obama threatens the world with his radical views and actions and his outrageous and insolent character makes him dangerous to the United States and every citizen, regardless of color.
Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, Bill De Blasio, Eric Holder, Michelle Obama, Van Jones and others are disgraceful and shameless as they continue to plunder the poorest of the American citizens for power, money and influence. As these people assume their collection of wealth and power their legitimate functions are left undone.