Marco Rubio, you can close your eye's and see Marco Rubio standing over a table of unsold onions as he tries his best to sell something that smells. Marco Rubio is having a lot of fun now but his character and future is showing. You can see him as the field hand in Cuba maybe pulling a water cart as the communist farm managers look on. Marco Rubio wants to the the manager so he checks his knife blades and he plans on cutting his way to prosperity. If Marco Rubio could only kill off Donald Trump for his political bosses maybe next year he wouldn't have to pull their water cart. Maybe he wouldn't have to pick the onions and sell them on the street. Marco Rubio has always been needy, like a child man wanting a new boat, bragging about things he doesn't own or understand, he believes in fake it till you make it. Marco Rubio has always been the victim until he learned to lie better than most. Tell the illegal aliens they can stay forever. Tell them anything for power and act very tough when talking about Trump. Marco the ass.
Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
Monday, February 29, 2016
Marco Rubio the Ass, Marco Rubio, you can close your eye's and see Marco Rubio standing over a table of unsold onions as he tries his best to sell something that smells.
912 Project Tea Party,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Marco Rubio,
Ted Cruz
Latest batch of released Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email Intercepted Emails Hillary Clinton Criminal Investigation duping the American Citizens for Cash Money Bribes funneled into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (Clinton Foundation) Hillary Clinton continues to deny leaving U.S. Top Secret Documents on her private underground computer email server. The FBI argue for Prison term.
Intercepted Emails Hillary Clinton Criminal Investigation duping the American Citizens for Cash Money Bribes funneled into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (Clinton Foundation) Hillary Clinton continues to deny leaving U.S. Top Secret Documents on her private underground computer email server. The FBI argue for Prison term. Why would Google and YouTube block Hillary Clinton Bengahzi Libya computer searches? Why does big government, big business, big hollywood keep Hillary Clinton away from the truth and political injury. The FBI DOJ Criminal Investigation. Winner-take-all primary race.
Latest batch of released Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal that after the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, YouTube and Google had blocks in place to prohibit information from being accessed.
Latest batch of released Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal that after the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, YouTube and Google had blocks in place to prohibit information from being accessed.
Redacted document, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05796913 Date: 02/26/2016, ( /DOCUMENTS/HRCEmail_Feb26thWeb /O-2015-08639FEB26/DOC_0C05796913/ C05796913.pdf) reads that both YouTube and Google blocked information for several days.
Anonymous message board 8Chan exploded with links to the released documents. The topics in Clinton emails ranged from blocking accessible information online about Benghazi to American nuclear plans, Cambodia, Syria, Morgan Stanley executive Thomas Nides, military planning, Clinton Foundation, Army deserter Beau Bergdahl, and more.
Google and Youtube Blocking during Benghazi: /DOCUMENTS/HRCEmail_Feb26thWeb /O-2015-08639FEB26/DOC_0C05796913/ C05796913.pdf
Talks of American nuclear plans: /DOCUMENTS/HRCEmail_Feb26thWeb /O-2015-08641FEB26/DOC_0C05797868/ C05797868.pdf
Japan Nuclear Update: /DOCUMENTS/HRCEmail_Feb26thWeb /O-2015-08634FEB26/DOC_0C05789526/ C05789526.pdf
Thomas Nides – Current Morgan Stanley Exec.: /DOCUMENTS/HRCEmail_Feb26thWeb /O-2015-08641FEB26/DOC_0C05797678/ C05797678.pdf
Scheduling of Whereabouts – Compromising safety of staff:
Department of Defense Positioning:
Military Planning:
Questionable discussions:
Beau Bergdahl:
Completely Redacted:
912 Project Tea Party,
Hillary Clinton Email,
Hillary Clinton Emails,
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Marco Rubio, mysteriously started acting like an idiot child The jerking shrieking Marco Rubio CNN Debate with Donald Trump Man Child Class Clown Marco Rubio GOP RNC CNN Debate
Marco Rubio, mysteriously started acting like an idiot child during CNN's Presidential debate and served up ladle after ladle of B.S. Soup attacks against Donald Trump. Marco the server of the B.S. Soup is surely not the cook as Marco Rubio still thinks that people like him, so where did all this come from? The RNC GOP Establishment, the people that lost the White House and gave us Socialism through Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, found their man child, Marco. He will do anything for everything. The disaster lies and cheats for power, Marco will do anything and will say anything that his masters want, just give him the keys to the White House, leave the borders open and maybe he can get the national credit card. Rubio not only lost Florida during the CNN debates, he lost the nation.
The RNC GOP Republican Elite Establishment found a man child dumb enough to stand on stage and make a fool of himself as they sit back in silence trying their best to stop Donald Trump and continue the government gravy train. Of all people, Mitt Romney is out clowning around trying his best to stop the Donald Trump train but Karl Rove and his pals have missed the entire point, America is done with Party politics and we're going to be a government of the people, for the people, rich or poor, black or white and Donald Trump is the man with the stage hook to rid America of the elite super rich or super greedy class.
Marco Rubio actually made fun on Donald Trump hiring hundreds of migrant workers, most likely illegal aliens. They are millions of illegal aliens hiding in America, working on payrolls everywhere. That's not the fault of Donald Trump, you hire good men that knock on your door and Marco has no right in laughing at people, trying to survive, working and not sucking up Welfare, trying their best. Marco is a baby, sucking on the government.
Marco Rubio actually made fun on Donald Trump hiring hundreds of migrant workers, most likely illegal aliens. They are millions of illegal aliens hiding in America, working on payrolls everywhere. That's not the fault of Donald Trump, you hire good men that knock on your door and Marco has no right in laughing at people, trying to survive, working and not sucking up Welfare, trying their best. Marco is a baby, sucking on the government.
Marco Rubio decided to become the GOP class clown as he continued to spit and chew after the debate making him, once again, look ignorant as the empires boy. If Marco Rubio had any chance at all it went away as the GOP RNC Republicans flung him on stage, now known as the "useless man" that cannot win and cannot shut his mouth.
As the faces of the elite Republican's glare at the Rubio debate performance millions of Americans enjoyed the show but did not buy a season ticket for future performance.
Now, Marco Rubio cannot shut his mouth, talking nonsense, making fun of Donald Trump, suddenly famous but the roar of the crowd is for him to leave the national stage.
The Oval Office inside the White House is reserved for Adults Only, not shrieking and screaming anchor baby's from Cuba or Canada for that matter.
The media frenzy concerning Marco Rubio has already died down as Governor Christie backs up Donald Trump for the White House. Marco Rubio made the mistake and hurried on stage jerking around answering to unseen drums which is exactly what Americans are tired of from Obama and Hillary Clinton.
912 Project Tea Party,
CNN Debate,
Donald Trump,
Donald Trump for President 2016,
Elite Establishment,
Marco Rubio,
Friday, February 26, 2016
Eric Holder Negro is really Lew Alcindor - Secrets walk out the door with Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch DOJ FBI Comey to investigate criminal activity of Clinton, Holder and Obama, bet me
Walking out the door with a lot of Secrets, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Former US Attorney General Eric Holder is a huge fan of NBA Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. So much so that Holder used Abdul-Jabbar's birth name, Lew Alcindor, as an alias for his official Department of Justice (DOJ) email account, raising more questions about the email practices of top Obama administration officials, and about the ability of US government agencies to track down correspondence in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
912 Project Tea Party,
Barack Obama,
Eric Holder,
Hillary Clinton,
Lew Alcindor,
Muslim Negro,
Negro Muslim,
The Marco Rubio CNN debate rehearsal didn't pay off - the middle finger fly's at the establishment - RNC GOP flipped the Rubio coin and it all went tails
The Marco Rubio CNN debate rehearsal didn't pay off as the people in Florida still ignore him. Marco Rubio has lost all chances to become president and most people laughed at Rubio's CNN Debate presentation. The annoyed Donald Trump taught the boys, Rubio and Cruz, that their champagne ideas don't work in the real world or real middle class men and women. Doubtless Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz feel good about the CNN debate against Trump but they forgot the debates are about the voters and Donald Trump has them locked up as they decay in every poll. Marco Rubio tried his best and all the dirty tricks played out on the CNN stage. Marco Rubio is the GOP RNC Establishment choice but the people said no and the middle finger fly's at the establishment. Marco Rubio has too many past problems with shady home deals, other people's credit cards and his dream boat purchase after getting $800,000 to write a book nobody bought.
912 Project Tea Party,
CNN Debate,
Donald Trump,
Florida Polls,
Marco Rubio,
Ted Cruz
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Who killed Billion Dollar Film? Boycott Disney and ABC - “It is basically the only banned film in America.” Osama bin Laden could have been killed before he killed 3,000 innocent Americans but you'll never see that movie, Hillary Clinton made sure.
Yesterday is starting to explain today regarding Hillary Clinton Media Whore ABC which is really the Disney/ABC media giant that kills off American employees to hire cheap foreign workers, and the movie;
“It is basically the only banned film in America.” Osama bin Laden could have been killed before he killed 3,000 innocent Americans but you'll never see that movie, Hillary Clinton made sure.
ABC spent $40 million dollars to make a film that told the story of the Clinton's and their total failure to protect the United States. The Clinton's applied pressure and they do have a hit list so we must ask how did Hillary Clinton basically kill the Clinton movie owned by Disney/ABC that cost them $40 million dollars?
What favors were done by Hillary Clinton?
Did Hillary Clinton pay Disney/ABC forty million in cash?
Did Saudi Arabia Pay the Clinton Foundation to pay off Disney?
Who at Disney/ABC pulled the plug?
Were the stock holders robbed of $40 million dollars?
ABC spent $40 million dollars to make a film that told the story of the Clinton's and their total failure to protect the United States. The Clinton's applied pressure and they do have a hit list so we must ask how did Hillary Clinton basically kill the Clinton movie owned by Disney/ABC that cost them $40 million dollars?
What favors were done by Hillary Clinton?
Did Hillary Clinton pay Disney/ABC forty million in cash?
Did Saudi Arabia Pay the Clinton Foundation to pay off Disney?
Who at Disney/ABC pulled the plug?
Were the stock holders robbed of $40 million dollars?
Bill and Hillary Clinton got ABC to kill the film so America would never see it, it was about the Clinton's and the 9-11-2001 attack on the World Trade Center. The Clinton's believe in censorship and the Clinton's remain more dangerous than any ayatollahs in Iran. Smuggled copies (DVD's) of "The Path to 9/11 covers the story of Bill and Hillary Clinton from 1993 World Trade Center attack until 9/11/2001 and how Bill Clinton failed to protect the nation. Bill Clinton had the chance to kill Ben Laden but didn't pull the trigger as he has proven to be a coward and political whore. The Clinton's made sure America would never see the film and is truly the only banned film in America. Hillary Clinton was most likely the prime leverage in killing the firm because it told the truth about the Clinton's and she wanted to president, just like today and her hiding secret emails of her private illegal server.
Boycott Disney and ABC until such time that the film is shown across the nation and make sure you don't vote for Hillary Clinton. In other stories the DOJ is about to blast Hillary Clinton out of the water, the FBI is loaded for bear, they got her this time.
912 Project Tea Party,
Bill Clinton,
Disney ABC,
Hillary Clinton,
Islamic Jihadist,
Osama Bin Laden,
Saudi Arabia,
The gold was moving to Cuba and then to Russia to pay for the killing of released GITMO Islamic Jihadists but the elaborate plot filled with dishonest and illegal practices had some counter-plots by our comrades in Moscow Russia.
The gold was waiting on the dock in Baltimore in six small wooden crates that were stamped with the label "Leather Aprons" in red ink as the C.I.A. plain clothed agents looked east. The gold was moving to Cuba and then to Russia to pay for the killing of released GITMO Islamic Jihadists but the elaborate plot filled with dishonest and illegal practices had some counter-plots by our comrades in Moscow Russia.
C.I.A. agent Wilkes was in charge of the band of C.I.A. brothers guarding the U.S. Government gold to be moved to Communist Cuba and the Castro family on a U.S. Coast Guard Fast Response Cutter named "The Plentiful" which was ironic to say the least.
The 154 foot Coast Guard vessel named "The Plentiful" had all the painting and markings of the U.S. Coast Guard but it was in fact a C.I.A. ship and controlled by the fellows in the community of Langley in Virginia. C.I.A. agent Wilkes and his men had arrived about thirty minutes before the ship was to arrive and sat around sipping their weak coffee and eating muffins from the Clipper Restaurant trying their best to look and act like vacationing fishermen waiting on the docks.
The small wooden crates of gold simply labeled as leather aprons were to leave the Baltimore inner harbor at 0615 hours but the weather had caused some delays. The cutter Plentiful had moved from Norfolk Virginia but had hit some bad weather that was causing the delays and making the C.I.A. agents nervous to say the least.
The weather was bad in Baltimore Maryland but Langley informed agent Wilkes that the weather off shore was at storm levels but was easing some. The C.I.A. men on the docks were not in direct contact with the cutter Plentiful so all the updates were coming from Langley but Wilkes was mainly worried about exposure by the cop in the Clipper Restaurant eating eggs and beef steak at the warm counter.
The C.I.A. had been sending gold to Cuba for the last seven years and the gold-rimmed C.I.A. agent Wilkes knew that Cuba was being used for just temporary storage as the gold would end up in Russia within 72 hours. Barack Obama would order the Pentagon to release a couple of Islamic Radicals from GITMO and then our Russian pals would kill them in a few months, guaranteed. Upon the C.I.A. teams arrival the men had removed the single light bulb on the dock area where they waited as the strong winds blew across the men waiting making them believe they should murder the weather man on the news last night. These same strong winds were creating sixteen foot waves out at sea so the cutter Plentiful were feeling their way to Baltimore.
The Castro gang would take their ten percent and then load the U.S. gold on a Russian transport Antonov AN-124 the largest of transport jets in the world and fly directly to Moscow Russia and the airbase in Andreapol.
The C.I.A. could only guess at this point but U.S. C.I.A. secret agents in Russia think that the gold then moves to the large saw-mill located in the dense forests which is really a secret underground facility with railway connections to Moscow. It was clear to C.I.A. agent Wilkes that the White House really didn't care much for the details they just wanted the gold moved and the Russians paid for their help with the Islamic Jihadist's spreading around the world.
The C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency had cooked up the deal with President Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin and the entire operation was called "Fortune Lost" as each shipment of gold was valued at $50 million dollars.
Like a teakettle bubbling C.I.A. agent Wilkes inserted his right hand inside his coat to make sure he could feel his 9 millimeter pistol tucked into it's holster, always making him feel more confident when things didn't follow the exact time line.
The cutter "Plentiful" would sail at full flank speed to make up the delay time but the weather was still bad even around Key West and south into Cuba. Restlessly C.I.A. agent Wilkes was now looking into the fog which was a new surprise and would most likely increase the delays.
As gold was becoming cheaper at times the actual weight of the small wooden crates would vary from time to time but climbing up the gangplanks of the Plentiful was always left up to the younger men. Agent Wilkes would walk aboard the cutter and gain a signature on the hand to hand receipt as his rough C.I.A. friends and sailors on the cutter Plentiful would sign the receipt "good riddance sam" which was this shipments code signature.
Big money was buying the killing of all the GITMO prisoners after they had been released by the United States and shipped off to some foreign land and the Russians were gladly pulling the triggers.
Vladimir liked gold more than he hated Barack Obama so the C.I.A. had cut the deal and the main stream media never noticed that every GITMO prisoner ended up dead within a few months. Sure, Barack Obama was closing GITMO one Jihadist at a time and Vladimir Putin was killing them for gold one bullet at a time.
The political secret of this operation had more value than all the gold in Fort Knox so C.I.A. agent Wilkes had been put in charge from day one as only two C.I.A. big dogs knew about the deal.
Two people in the White House and the President of the United States made a total of six people that knew about the deal with Russia.
Now on the other hand a few dozen people knew about wealth transfers through the State Department to Cuba and other countries to help tear down the walls of Cuba and help the people to overcome the poverty of communism.
Barack Obama was wide open about helping Cuba, Iran, North Korea and other nations but gold moving through Cuba to Russia was the greatest secret of all times.
The storm winds slackened and then gather again and a stiff gale passed over Baltimore and the men were whipped around and jumped back into their S.U.V.'s with the gold boxes sitting on the dock.
The jagged water trenches at last eased and the cutter Plentiful entered the harbor area coming to pick up the crates of gold just like pirates of years ago.
In the city of thieves the port area was downtown filled with grafters, whores, thieves and schemers but C.I.A. agent Wilkes had no idea it was laced with hired sharpshooters as he heard the metal tinkling sound of a bullet hitting a concrete bench sitting on the dock.
The next tinkling sound he heard was the gnarled and twisted bullet tearing through the metal hood of his black S.U.V. and violently striking him in his lower left arm.
Against better judgment he opened his door as several bullet rounds struck his vehicle as the fog had lifted just a little and he saw several men on the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Plentiful firing on his men with deadly accuracy.
It was going to be a dog fight, it would be barbaric as the machine guns opened up from the Plentiful and good men were hit and were cut down like rats.
912 Project Tea Party,
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Hit Man,
Vladimir Putin
"drown the rats!" The discontented rat's inside the GOP RNC Republican Party wants you to believe there's a time bomb inside the Donald Trump tax returns.
The discontented rat's inside the GOP RNC Republican Party wants you to believe there's a time bomb inside the Donald Trump tax returns.
Mitt Romney of all people is the bomb thrower as the circus of Republican rats try their best to destroy Donald Trump in favor of little Marco Rubio. The majority of Republicans in power today, house and senate, have allowed socialist monsters like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to thrive on taxpayer dollars and spread across the nation.
The GOP RNC Republicans are trying to destroy the people's choice for President of the United States but the only bomb is waiting on the crooked republican politicians, the so-called elite establishment republicans, is that the voters are taking their country back and the pirates inside the republican party will walk the gang plank.
You can almost hear the crackle of the flames as millions of honest citizens are marching to Washington D.C. with their torches in hand yelling "drown the rats!"
912 Project Tea Party,
Civil Unrest,
Democratic Party,
Donald Trump,
Karl Rove,
Marco Rubio,
Mitt Romney,
republican party,
Donald Trump will stop the government beatings. Donald Trump will round up the millions of illegal aliens. Donald Trump will kill the Islamic Jihadist. Donald Trump will paint up and fix up GITMO. Donald Trump will jail Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump will round up all the political rats. Donald Trump will balance trade. Donald Trump will force China back to China. Donald Trump will dump North Korea. Donald Trump will round the the Russian renegades. Donald Trump will protect Israel. Donald Trump will help you.
The Donald Trump destroying GOP RNC Republican Party has decided that the American people must only vote for the person they support, just like they do in China. The GOP RNC Republican Party has lost control over the voters and now the torchlight's are being carried by the people and not the GOP party bosses.
Millions of honest citizens have left the RNC GOP corral and now support Donald Trump and the cutthroats inside the Republican Party are out in force trying to stop the people from electing Donald Trump as President of the United States.
The so-called Elite GOP RNC Establishment wants Marco Rubio because he's a safe little crooked politician that can mostly remember all his lines, even though he has no idea what he's saying most of the time. The scripted Marco Rubio is a trader and will take the money to hold the GOP RNC Republican Party line so everybody can slurp up at the government cash buffet.
Donald Trump promises freedom from government control while Marco Rubio promises millions of illegal aliens draining the taxpayer buffet can stay inside America.
Donald Trump promises that every man and woman can gain their own prosperity without a centralized and socialist government telling you where you work, where you buy health care and how much private property you can keep. Marco Rubio will surely provide nothing for the honest citizen as he's just another import like Ted Cruz.
Donald Trump will stop the government beatings.
Donald Trump will round up the millions of illegal aliens.
Donald Trump will kill the Islamic Jihadist.
Donald Trump will paint up and fix up GITMO.
Donald Trump will jail Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump will round up all the political rats.
Donald Trump will balance trade.
Donald Trump will force China back to China.
Donald Trump will dump North Korea.
Donald Trump will round the the Russian renegades.
Donald Trump will protect Israel.
Donald Trump will help you.
912 Project Tea Party,
Barack Obama,
Bernie Sanders,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Mitt Romney,
republican party,
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
The Hillary Clinton Renegades FBI Files DOJ, The Hillary Clinton sham, crime, and profit from her pyramid scheme - The criminal case against Mrs. Clinton - How Monica Lewinsky Sex Scandal Saved Hillary Rodham Clinton from going to Prison -
Hillary Clinton used sex as a weapon against Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell but she was forced to put them on Bill Clinton's government payroll to keep them quite. Hillary Rodham Clinton is clearly a stone cold criminal with a law degree and political influence to keep her out of prison.
Today, the new, unredacted version of the memo—fills in important blanks in the criminal case against Mrs. Clinton.
The entire text of the memo can now be pieced together from the redacted version released by the National Archives and the new, unredacted version, reported here for the first time.
The broad contours of the Whitewater case against Mrs. Clinton are well known.
With Governor Bill Clinton running Arkansas,
Mrs. Clinton leveraged her work at the Rose Law Firm into a series of transactions on behalf of a corrupt financial institution, Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, run by a longtime Clinton crony, James McDougal.
Among the transactions was a document drafted by Mrs. Clinton to conceal a series of fraudulent loans that were used to deceive federal bank examiners.
The fraudulent loans were part of a land deal known as Castle Grande.
Mrs. Clinton, along with her Rose Law Firm partner Webster Hubbell—later given a high-ranking post at the Justice Department by President Clinton—handled the Madison Guaranty accounts for law firm.
Hubbell’s father-in-law, Seth Ward, also played a key role in the Madison accounts.
In the mid-1980s, federal bank regulators started taking a close look at Madison Guaranty and concluded that Castle Grande was a sham, a crime, and part of a pyramid scheme to enrich insiders and hide the S&L’s disintegrating finances. According to the newly obtained document, “Hillary Clinton and Hubbell concealed their involvement in Castle Grande.”
OIC prosecutors turned over every rock in Clintons’ financial world and drafted several possible indictments of Clinton and Hubbell.
Last year, Judicial Watch disclosed that the National Archives holds versions of the draft indictments, but has refused to produce them in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, citing concerns for Mrs. Clinton’s privacy.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton denounced the move as “a political decision to protect [Clinton’s] candidacy” and vowed to press on in court.
The new, unredacted version of the OIC memo spells out the criminal case against Mrs. Clinton:
Here is how we would characterize this case in the legal terms of an indictment: “The object of the conspiracy was to conceal, by unlawful means, the true facts relating to HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON’s and WEBSTER LEE HUBBELL’s relationship with Seth Ward, Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan and Madison Financial Corporation.
By concealing these facts HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON and WEBSTER LEE HUBBELL would avoid and evade potential criminal and civil liability, fraudulently secure additional income for the Rose Law Firm and safeguard the political campaigns of William Jefferson Clinton.”
What this means in practice is that Hillary Clinton and Hubbell may have been involved in a crime in 1986. When they realized their potential criminal, civil and political exposure, they concealed their activities, repeatedly and with great effect. The case would be the story of how that happened.
The crime? Castle Grande “cross loans,” and an “option agreement” drafted by Mrs. Clinton, were used to deceive federal bank examiners.
The Clinton campaign did not reply to requests for a response to the charges. Mr. Hubbell declined to comment.
The newly revealed document fills in some of the blanks relating to prosecution theories of criminal conduct by Mrs. Clinton, Hubbell, and a third Rose Firm partner, Vincent Foster. The document notes that the partners were “concealing conduct bearing on possible civil and criminal liability.”
As Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign gained speed, media pressure on Mrs. Clinton increased. Reporters started asking questions about Madison Guaranty. The S&L had imploded in the 1980s and was the subject of several civil and criminal cases. The Rose Law Firm partners—Clinton, Hubbell and Foster—were well aware of the campaign’s vulnerability on the Madison issue.
“Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were business partners of the owner of a failed S&L,” notes the National Archives version of the OIC memo.
“[I]t was alleged McDougal had hired Hillary Clinton to represent him before state agencies that reported to her husband as a way of indirectly wielding influence over the decisions being made….
the campaign and Hillary Clinton personally provided the public with inaccurate information regarding: how [Madison] came to retain the [Rose Law Firm] and the extent and nature of Hillary Clinton’s work before state agencies—inaccurate stories that Hillary Clinton and Hubbell were ‘stuck with’ as official investigations began.”
Federal investigations—prompted by news reports and the Clintons’ often evasive, incomplete responses to questions—soon began.
The Resolution Trust Corp., the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Congress, and the OIC all questioned Mrs. Clinton under oath.
Many records were missing.
Following the campaign, notes the National Archives version of the memo, “Hubbell and Vince Foster removed all remaining [Rose] records relating to the [firm’s] and Hillary Clinton’s work for [Madison] from the law firm.
In various parcels those records were sent to Washington, D.C.”
Undisclosed until today is a censored line from that version of the memo: Rose attorneys, it says, “liken the removal of these firm records to theft.”
The National Archives version of the memo notes: “Two copies of the most significant of these records, Hillary Clinton’s billing records for the work she did for [Madison] are known to exist—one set was discovered in a brief case in Vince Foster’s attic in July 1997;
the other set was discovered in the [White House] Book Room adjacent to Hillary Clinton’s office in August 1995 and publicly released in January 1996.”
The 1996 news of the discovery of a set of billing records in the White House set off a furor. The documents had been under subpoena for two years. Mrs. Clinton was summoned to a grand jury to explain.
Why were the billing records so important?
Mrs. Clinton by that time had made numerous sworn statements to federal investigators and Congress. If the statements were false, that was a crime. The billing records might prove whether Mrs. Clinton was telling the truth or lying.
And if Mrs. Clinton was hiding documents under subpoena—a charge she denied, saying she had no knowledge of how the billing records got to the White House—then she might be guilty of obstruction of justice.
The OIC believed that Mrs. Clinton knew precisely where the records were and had reviewed them during the presidential campaign. According to the National Archives version of the memo: “The evidence supports the conclusion that Hillary Clinton reviewed the billing records in detail in February-March 1992, and that she retained a copy of the records for reference and use during 1992-1995.”
Undisclosed until today—that is, censored from the National Archives version of the memo—is the prosecutors’ conclusion about what this would mean to a jury: “a reasonable jury is likely to conclude that her statements to investigators during 1994-1996 were inaccurate and misleading [and] were made with the knowledge of their falsity. Hillary Clinton, Hubbell and Vince Foster’s concealment and destruction of the relevant records is substantial corroborative evidence of their consciousness of guilt.”
The National Archives version of the memo continues: “What, then, are the crimes under consideration? Between January 1994 and February 1996 both Hillary Clinton and Hubbell made numerous sworn statements to the RTC, the FDIC, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and to OIC.
Each of these reflected and embodied materially inaccurate stories relating to: how [the Rose Law Firm] came to be retained by [Madison Guaranty]; Hillary Clinton’s role in the [Castle Grande] venture; Hillary Clinton’s role in representing [Madison] before state agencies; Hubbell’s representations to the RTC and FDIC regarding Hillary Clinton’s role in the [Castle Grande] venture; and the removal of records from [the Rose firm]. The question, generally, is not whether the statements are inaccurate, but whether they are willfully so.”
Sound familiar? As in Whitewater, Mrs. Clinton now faces questions about missing records—the thousands of emails supposedly deleted forever from her computer.
As in Whitewater, a series of shifting explanations seem to dig her deeper into a hole.
As in Whitewater, she works behind a phalanx of lawyers well-schooled in Clinton damage control—indeed some of the very same lawyers who steered her through the OIC investigation.
In the end, Mrs. Clinton defeated the OIC. Prosecutors decided not to seek an indictment from a grand jury, concluding that they could not win the largely circumstantial case against such a popular, high-profile defendant.
Also looming large in the OIC’s thinking: Monica Lewinsky.
The Lewinsky investigation was hurtling along a separate track.
Prosecutors were convinced they had overwhelming evidence that President Clinton had committed perjury and obstruction of justice in the Lewinsky case.
The case against Mrs. Clinton was abandoned and the full focus of the OIC turned to Lewinsky.
As one prosecutor later remarked, “Monica saved Hillary.”
Note: this article originally appeared on
A 4/10/98 OIC memo uses terms ‘crime(s),’ ‘criminal,’ ‘fraudulent,’ ‘misrepresented,’ ‘inaccurate,’ ‘deceive,’ ‘mislead,’ ‘misstatement,’ and ‘concealed’ 27 times in 20 pages to describe actions by Clinton and Whitewater associates
(Washington, DC) January 28, 2016 – J
udicial Watch today released 246 pages of previously undisclosed Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) internal memos revealing extensive details about the investigation of Hillary Rodham Clinton for possible criminal charges involving her activities in the Whitewater/Castle Grande fraudulent land transaction scandal. The memos are “statements of the case” against Hillary Clinton and Webster Lee “Webb” Hubbell, Hillary Clinton’s former law partner and former Associate Attorney General in the Clinton Justice Department. Ultimately, the memos show that prosecutors declined to prosecute Clinton because of the difficulty of persuading a jury to convict a public figure as widely known as Clinton. (Links to the full set of documents are below.)
Although some details of the documents have been previously reported, Judicial Watch is today publicly releasing the independent counsel prosecution memos for the first time. The prosecution memos—portions of which were heavily redacted—were obtained by Judicial Watch from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
An April 10, 1998, memo summarizes “the crimes under consideration”
What, then are the crimes under consideration? Between January 1994 and February 1996 both Hillary Clinton and [Webster] Hubbell made numerous sworn statements to the RTC, the FDIC, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and to the OIC. Each of these reflected and embodied materially inaccurate stories relating to: how RLF [Clinton and Hubbell’s Rose Law Firm] came to be retained by MGSL [the Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan]; Hillary Clinton’s role in the IDC/Castle Grande venture; Hillary Clinton’s role in representing MGSL; Hillary Clinton’s role in representing MGSL before state agencies’; Hubbell’s representations to the RTC [Resolution Trust Corporation] and FDIC regarding Hillary Clinton’s role in the IDC/Castle Grande venture; and the removal of records from the RLF. The question, generally, is not whether the statements are inaccurate, but whether they are willfully so.
The records released today by Judicial Watch were prepared for an “All OIC Attorneys” meeting on April 27, 1998, at which a final decision about whether to indict Clinton and Hubbell was the subject of a lengthy debate. The records explore in detail the role Clinton played in the fraudulent Castle Grande transaction, the role of Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, and the subsequent lengthy cover-up as the Clintons sought and won the White House.
Clinton, according to prosecutors, drafted an option agreement that concealed from federal bank examiners a fraudulent $300,000 cross-loan in the Castle Grande transaction. Her concealment of her role in this fraudulent transaction, including the hiding of her Rose Law Firm billing records concerning her legal work for Madison, were the subject of an OIC obstruction of justice probe.
The 1998 memoranda include substantial evidence depicting Clinton and her former Rose Law Firm partners—Hubbell, and Vincent Foster, both of whom went on to senior positions in the Bill Clinton presidency—as complicit in activities that “facilitated crimes.”
Page 18 of the OIC documents notes that Clinton “destroyed” her personal records of her work for Madison Guaranty. Page 39 of the documents notes:
Section II contains a chronological background and contextual summary of the investigation so that the facts relating to possible obstruction can be placed in the context of the ongoing investigation by OIC.
The evidence in the new documents covers:
- Castle Grande. “The Castle Grande transactions were crimes.” The statement is followed by an explicit six-paragraph dissection of the land-flipping scheme.
- Madison Guaranty S&L. Clinton minimized the role she played in seeking state regulatory assistance for the corrupt savings and loan, headed by key Clinton financial and political supporter James McDougal. At the time, Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.
- Vincent Foster and the Missing Rose Law Firm Billing Records. The Rose records were a key piece of evidence in the probe. They were missing for years. After Foster’s July 1993 suicide, the OIC documents note, where the billing records went “is an open question…. Several pieces of evidence support the inference that personal documents which Hillary Clinton did not want disclosed were located in Foster’s office at the time of his death and then removed.”
- Removal of Records from Vincent Foster’s Office. “ [O]n the afternoon of July 21st Bernard Nussbaum, then White House Counsel, initially agreed to allow two career DOJ employees to review the documents in Foster’s office for evidence that might shed light on the cause of his death. That evening and the next morning Nussbaum, Hillary Clinton, Susan Thomases, and Maggie Williams (Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff) exchanged 10 separate phones calls … That morning, according to the DOJ employees, Nussbaum changed his mind and refused to allow the DOJ prosecutors to review the documents; instead, he reviewed them himself and segregated several as ‘personal’ to the Clintons.”
- Hiding the Billing Records. “On the evening of July 22nd, Thomas Castleton … assisted Williams [Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton chief of staff] in carrying a box of personal documents up to … a closet in Hillary Clinton’s office. The closet is approximately 30 feet from the table in the Book Room, where the billing records were found 2 years later…. There is a circumstantial case that the records were left on the table by Hillary Clinton. She is the only individual in the White House who had a significant interest in them and she is one of only 3 people known to have had them in her possession since their creation in February 1992.”
- Buying the Silence of a Co-Conspirator? Hubbell, criticized by the OIC for his lack of cooperation with the probe, received several “jobs” from Clinton supporters for which he apparently did little or no work. During a taped conversation in prison, Hubbell appears to acknowledge that he withheld information from the OIC. Several of Hubbell’s job-providers fell most strongly within the hush money allegation. The OIC notes eight of them on page 197.
- The Missing Draft Indictment. More than 60 pages of the OIC memoranda are completely censored, withheld by the National Archives. Multiple sources tell Judicial Watch that these pages include a full draft indictment of Clinton and Hubbell, as well as a detailed “order of Evidence” list.
The National Archives is withholding additional documents Judicial Watch believes to be critical to understanding Clinton’s full role in the Whitewater scandal.
On March 9, 2015, Judicial Watch submitted a FOIA request seeking all draft indictments of Clinton in the files of Hickman Ewing Jr., who served as deputy independent counsel in the Whitewater probe. In 1999, Ewing testified that he wrote a draft indictment of Clinton.
On March 19, 2015, the National Archives admitted locating records responsive to the Ewing material request, confirming that it found 38 pages of responsive records in a folder entitled “Draft Indictment,” and approximately 200 pages of responsive records in a folder entitled “Hilary Rodham Clinton/Webster L. Hubbell Draft Indictment.” Judicial Watch is suing in federal court to force the release of the draft indictment, which is being withheld by the National Archives to protect the privacy of Hillary Clinton.
Ultimately, as an April 24, 1998, memo suggests, prosecutors were persuaded that a jury would not convict Clinton based upon circumstantial evidence. OIC attorney Paul Rosenzweig wrote:
In a high profile case of this sort, however, I think that some jurors are likely to put OIC to the full measure of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and, in effect, insist that circumstantial evidence is an inferior form of evidence on which they cannot convict. Such a distinction would be “lawless” in a formal sense, as contrary to their jury instructions – but we blink reality if we do not expect this reaction to a primarily circumstantial high profile case.
The prosecutor concluded:
Bottom line: We can anticipate the following: 2% = Rule 29; 18% = Acquittal; 70% =Hung Jury; 10% = Conviction. Not enough in my view.
“These new Hillary Clinton prosecution memos are damning and dramatic,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Hillary Clinton’s bank fraud, obstruction, lies, and other fraud began in Arkansas, continued in the White House and actually accelerated because the suicide of her friend Vincent Foster. The memos suggest that if she weren’t First Lady, she would have been successfully prosecuted in federal court. As we continue the court fight to get the actual draft indictment of Hillary Clinton we first uncovered in this investigation, Americans would do well to read these memos. If you want to understand the deplorable ethics and corruption at the Clinton State Department, these documents provide important background.”
912 Project Tea Party,
Bill Clinton,
Hillary Clinton,
Hillary Clinton Crime Investigation,
Monica Lewinsky,
Vince Foster,
Webb Hubbell
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