Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Traitor Snowden Smiles Down on Hillary Clinton - Commercially and politically the Clinton's have no further value. One little particle of top secret information is worth millions of dollars to Russia, China, North Korea and even Iran. Hillary Clinton allowed our enemies,

Hillary Clinton turned top secret documents into gold and silver.  It didn't take a laboratory it only took a secret computer server and a few phone calls.  The Clinton secret email server is somewhat of a legend now and will go down in the history books as yet another Barack Obama total failure to honor his pledge to protect America.  It's very simple to extract SAP Top Secret Documents and very economical when the host computer server and hard drive is not protected.  Traitor Snowden let the world know that the NSA CIA FBI gangsters have files on every Human Being on earth but Hillary Clinton let the world know everything.  She opened the secret files of our government for her own gains.  It's her reset for cash money.  It's corruption or she's the dumbest woman on earth.  We need a brain as president, not just a girl part is enough.  GITMO has room for Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton if any of this is true.

The Lesbians and Gays are in wonder of Hillary and Barack.  Wait until the Sharia law arrives at their local Muslim Mosques and watch who runs to the police and the federal government for help.  Hillary and Barack will live behind 20 foot walls and surrounded by armed guards, you're going to be on the outside, scratching at their doors, welcome to Socialism and selling state secrets. 

The entire National Security and the several layers of protection were removed by Hillary Clinton and it all orbits around the Clinton Foundation and hundreds of millions of dollars.

One little particle of top secret information is worth millions of dollars to Russia, China, North Korea and even Iran.  Hillary Clinton allowed our enemies, people that would kill us, to break in to our national secrets quite successfully.  The complex protection software was negated by Hillary Clinton's own hands or that of Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills or others directed by the Clinton's.

Today's wars are not fought with cannon balls and marching men holding muskets.  Today's modern wars are fought with information first, the kind found on Hillary's hard drive.  She has caused havoc within our intelligence community around the world.  Our spy's are now known and our operatives around the world have been fingered.  Many could die but they are all worthless now.  Costing America hundreds of millions of dollars. 

Our intelligence energy is less now, we're in more danger.

The Clinton's are not worth the expense and trouble and Barack Obama has already started playing defense, creating that important distance between the White House and Hillary Clinton.

Her squeaky win in Iowa from a practical standpoint means nothing as the transformation of America is deeper than even the radical Clinton's can understand.  The socialist is winning the DNC Democratic race for the White House.

Commercially and politically the Clinton's have no further value.

She cannot sell anymore state secrets.

The Clinton Foundation is crumbling.

The FBI has the case file.

The DOJ is trying to stall the FBI.

The White House is praying to Allah in Baltimore.

Hillary Clinton keeps shooting blind and hopes the media stays off the topic as they promised by their previous actions.  

The Constitution is almost gone.

Stop the brain-racking and get in touch with your representative.

They jail Clinton or they get impeached.

The imaginary media will not help.

The fake DOJ will not help.

The Collision of the truth and the White House will be astronomical.

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