Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The veil of outrage was showing on Hillary's face as the FBI Served The Search Warrant at the Clinton Mansion The computer server in the basement was covered in blood. The server was surrounded by FBI technical experts with Hillary Clinton standing behind them defiant but with her famous temper under some restraint.

The computer server in the basement was covered in blood.  The server was surrounded by FBI technical experts with Hillary Clinton standing behind them defiant but with her famous temper under some restraint.

Hillary had been called at her hotel over one hundred miles away by Bill Clinton and was informed of the ridiculous search warrant being served by the F.B.I. under the watchful eye of the local sheriff's department.

Hillary had just sat down at the exclusive dinner table of her hotel to have another meeting with the representatives of the DNC concerning her unspeakable scorn and indignation of Barack Obama during her interview with NBC MSNBC just three days ago.

Formerly under the old world order of things Hillary Clinton would have been escorted outside why FBI agents searched the basement for that famous secret computer server that Hillary used during her reign as Secretary of State for the United States and Barack Obama.

The veil of outrage was showing on Hillary's face but she was mindful of the consequences of screaming at the cops or hitting the gun toting guy that just accidentally bumped into her while squeezing by with more evidence bags.

From one of the highest courts in the land the search warrant had been issued and signed by the judge and the decision to enter the Clinton mansion was made at this late hour.

The confusion and smoke had cleared away some as the twenty or so officers proceeded to search the Clinton's mansion which included the always talked about computer server.  

The Clinton's had never been in the habit of yielding but Bill and Hillary Clinton had remained mostly calm after their lawyers arrived.  The mansion was really a small garrison with Secret Service agents guarding the outside of their private home and it became practicable for the agents to withdraw and let the FBI enter the mansion which included the police dogs.

The outside lawn area was now filled by Clinton neighbors and also the local news people were starting to arrive.  The government subsidized gang of Secret Service agents were still posted outside and made sure the gathering crowds didn't get too close.

The CNN reporter stood by the oak tree and the bright lights of live T.V. coverage was started at 2:17 a.m.

"Yes, we are reporting from the Clinton Mansion as they are surrounded by friends, neighbors, lawyers and F.B.I. agents on this early morning."

The reporter turned away from his front shot and pointed with his finger.

"With some confusion and concern, F.B.I. agents are serving a search warrant and we're being told by insiders that Bill and Hillary Clinton will come out and talk with us shortly."

The cameraman broke away and turned to the crowd that was growing quickly.

The zealots were starting to gather and were making their intemperate comments louder and louder about Hillary Clinton being a traitor to the U.S. Constitution.  Hillary Clinton was distasteful to most of the people yelling and the impeaching of a Clinton never seemed to solve the real problems of bribes, secrets or insider trading.

Most of the growing crowd had already decided that Hillary was guilty and with the truth being known she would end up in jail for a long time, maybe for life.

The majority of the House and Senate was now partisan and the Republicans now had a purpose and that was cleaning out the White House of Barack Obama and make sure his replacement Hillary Rodham Clinton and her alleged crimes were made public.

Barack Obama had removed the checks and balances of the U.S. Constitution and used his executive orders to go around Congress day after day.  Impeaching Barack Obama was very possible now as David Axelrod was caught lying about Hillary Clinton's private email outside of government servers. 

Hillary, Barack and David were most likely operating their shadow government or new world order government in some Communist Socialist rebel cause under the watchful eye of Valerie Jarrett not easily intimidated by the laws of the land.

The safety of this great nation was under threat and the necessity of the search warrant was clear as the State Department only released a limited number of Clinton's emails and most of the words were covered with harsh black lines.

Insulted and intimidated Barack Obama and his radical White House staff started to divide between Obama loyalists and dis-loyalists so the media leaks were almost hourly now.

The great mistake was leaving the blood on the server, the consequences of the DNA evidence would in time explain everything, until Hillary spilled her guts and Bill snuck out the side kitchen door.  Oddly enough no one spoke about the Confederate Rebel flag tacked up on the basement wall of the Clinton mansion.

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