Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Kate Steinle, - Remember Kate - Murdered by the Obama Mexican Wetback Policy - Mexican American War - We didn't want to fight the Mexicans, but the trains were loaded with troops, tanks and supplies to do just that. Would Obama pull the trigger?

Kate Steinle was murdered and The U.S. invasion of Mexico is now in the planning stages.  The government and military planners slipped slowly out of the conference war room inside the Pentagon as the President met each challenge to his authority with a  tempered quiet which was pointedly not Barack Obama.   The coward Barack Obama just sat there, wondering what to do, wondering what Valerie Jarrett would tell him what to do?  He wondered what Hillary Clinton to do?  Should he kill a few hundred thousand Mexicans because of Kate Steinle or just let it slide some more, after all it was just one white girl. 

Barack Obama has been told almost daily during the security briefings that illegal aliens cross the border on foot by the thousands every month. Now this lone wetback has murdered a beautiful woman and Barack Obama and DOJ Lynch were in the hot seat.

The San Francisco woman was shot dead by an illegal wetback running around in the city, again. San Francisco is jam packed full of illegal aliens and Barack would rather them be known as immigrants and not wetbacks, illegal aliens or worse.

DHS FBI CIA DOD NSA CBP and other agencies understand that illegal aliens are breaking a dozen laws every day but they keep coming for the cheap jobs and the great federal benefits. This bastard had a gun and a story but one thing for sure Kate Steinle is dead and the blame goes to Obama, Holder, Lynch, and the F'ed up city government of San Francisco.  Kate Steinle is dead.  Kate Steinle was lovely and innocent but the government, both local, state and federal are to blame.  The failed government of Barack Obama killed her. The lawless Barack Obama killed her.  His communist socialist actions failed Kate Steinle and we're not taking this any more.

The murder of Kate Steinle at the piers in San Francisco California by the illegal wetback trails back to the San Francisco city council as they refuse to honor the federal laws in place and Barack Obama refused to enforce any laws of the land.  The DOJ Lynch is silent which was expected as the Illegal Alien had been deported several times and continued to gain illegal access and wander around San Francisco. 

The military delegates and officers were asked to prepare war planning for the U.S. invasion of Mexico and that's exactly what they did yesterday.  There would be no more concessions for the Mexican government unless they guarded their own borders and stopped the flow of illegal aliens to America.  This is not what Obama wanted but the ruinous San Francisco Murder by an illegal alien opened up a conflict across America that needed more than a band aid.

Illegal aliens were plunging the United States into bankruptcy and the grass was growing in the streets of Baltimore, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and more as commerce was slowing down to a crawl. The Negro's were killing each other and it seemed that the black and brown war was about to start. In his normal determined manner President Obama was giving speeches but American's were off the hook and wanted a lot more.  They wanted the 25 million illegal aliens rounded up and deported and they wanted Mexico put on notice.  Guard the border or we will.

The Obama economy caused 93 million people to lose their jobs, homes and their pride but the illegal alien murder of a beautiful woman on the pier's of San Francisco was the last straw.  Almost 25 million foreigner's had jobs inside America but the honest citizen was sitting at home waiting for things to get better. 

Americans wanted the Constitution enforced and obeyed in every part of the United States and San Francisco was the rally call.  Round them Up!  Round them Up! Send them home! Send them home!

Barack Obama had raised his hand and insisted that he would preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution of the United States but he had failed by any measure.

For the sake of history the historians were already writing their papers and books about the disaster of the Barack Obama administration.  Millions of illegal aliens roamed all across America, taking jobs, eating up valuable taxpayer resources by taking welfare programs like food stamps, section eight housings, low cost bus rides but the crime wave was the most costly.  It seems that the guy cutting your grass would also cut your throat some were saying, it was a disaster. 

We didn't want to fight the Mexicans, but the trains were loaded with troops, tanks and supplies to do just that.  Would Obama pull the trigger?

The drug cartels and the corrupt Mexican government ran the worst over the border with drugs, guns, criminals and whores.  The Mexican government was operating a war of aggression against the United States filling the U.S. with criminals and outlaws and they were proud of their silent invasion.

Barack Obama never went into battle before except on the gang ridden streets of Chicago and many now realize he was a part of the gang.  The fancy talking Obama would fool millions of the blacks so they got what they voted for by the invasion of cheap labor from Mexico and no jobs for blacks.

Now people were shooting at Obama, the political battle was raging and the people were sneering at his speeches and spit on his actions.  Every Barack Obama triumph ended up as another Barack Obama disaster like Illegal alien slave labor, Unemployment, ObamaCare, Black on Black crime, ObamaTrade, Iran Nuclear, Syria, Iraq and the break with Israel and now Mexico.  Even Hillary Clinton was hiding from the media.

Barack Obama has become undesirable.

American manufacturing has failed.

Millions of Americans were starving sheltering inside their homes.

The interlocking global economy had crashed, starting with Greece.

China stock market had collapsed even with slave labor.

The proposition of war with Mexico seemed reasonable and the American people were ready to rock and roll as the war was useful and necessary.

The progressive era be damned. 


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