Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The power has been cut off to illegal aliens forcing them to surface for food, energy, communications, transportation, housing, medical services

Seven years of sounding the alarm about the lying and cheating Barack Obama.  Have you been waiting for the economy to be turned around and millions of new age energy jobs to save your ass?  Have you been waiting for Iranian's to embrace Jesus Christ and see the light?  Have you been wondering about a vacation inside our new best friend Russia or maybe a beach trip in Communist Cuba? 

The thrilling story of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio is causing social unrest and it's about time.  The cascade of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton failures threaten the United States and the riots have started.

The illegal aliens are tossing around their constitutional rights but of course they have little protection as criminals inside America, unless Hillary, Jeb or Marco are elected to higher office they are going to be deported by the millions, about time.

The illegal aliens have forgot that American's are caring but not stupid.  Insiders at the FBI, NSA, CIA, DOD, DIA have been spreading their experts around and creating data bases of illegal aliens, convicted felons and even shoplifters.  If you're alive you have an FBI file and if you're Muslim or an illegal alien you have two or three files.

At the flip of a switch and the click of a computer mouse the screens light up with the exact location of every illegal alien collecting welfare benefits in America.

National Guard Training, FEMA detention camps and armed government agency's are ready and able to round up 15-25 million illegal aliens.

Within 90 seconds the entire West Coast Computer Screens at the FBI and the DHS light up with exact locations of millions of illegal aliens in California.

The plan is to stop all welfare distribution if you're on the list of illegal aliens which will in fact force the illegal alien to the surface.

Without welfare food, energy, communications, transportation, housing and medical care the average illegal alien is expected to self-deport, come to the surface and the criminal illegal aliens will go under-ground and the National Guard will be waiting.

The anchor babies will also be deported, now deemed un-constitutional so don't invite your uncle Jose to America just yet.

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