Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, September 12, 2016

Charlie sat down on what he called the "top spot" and tuned in his a.m. radio and heard that Hillary Clinton had pneumonia. That was a shame. It should look like pneumonia at first; The Russian agent was not in charge of "Big Strike" but he was the Russian Spy that made sure Vladimir Putin took almost total control of the U.S. Uranium mining output. The Clinton's were paid in several different ways through Clinton Foundation donations and speaking fees for the x-impeached president Bill Clinton. What the Clinton's and their operatives never realized is that Vladimir Putin never plans to scramble around with cover stories he just eliminates the other side of the coin.

Charlie sat down on what he called the "top spot" and tuned in his a.m. radio and heard that Hillary Clinton had pneumonia.  That was a shame. It should look like pneumonia at first; 

From Russia with Love,

The Russian agent was not in charge of "Big Strike" but he was the Russian Spy that made sure Vladimir Putin took almost total control of the U.S. Uranium mining output.  The Clinton's were paid in several different ways through Clinton Foundation donations and speaking fees for the x-impeached president Bill Clinton.  What the Clinton's and their operatives never realized is that Vladimir Putin never plans to scramble around with cover stories he just eliminates the other side of the coin. 

Charlie Ledger lived in a tiny wooden decrepit shack in Utah, with no plumbing or electricity.  He owed money to family members and friends and the local grocery story cut off his credit, he owed them over two hundred dollars and they no longer cared if he had coffee and sugar. Charlie was an uranium ore miner so the lack of money was normal and the digging and drilling never stopped. 
Persistently Charlie Ledger kept digging on his claim and month after month as he combed the countryside and worked his uranium claim. A few years ago they were dozens of lone miners looking for uranium but they didn't know a mine from a gopher hole and Charlie Ledger was the only one left out in the cold looking for riches.
The radioactive treasure uranium was worth a fortune and Charlie held a mining claim that could be worth a fortune, after all he was the only one that had truly found uranium on the plateau in Utah this far south.

The government came in a few years ago due to a Russian company taking control over the plateau that consolidated all uranium mines but Charlie Ledger wouldn't sell his claim.  The Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has approved the sale of Uranium Mining Companies to Vladimir Putin of Russia but Charlie didn't see it that way.  
Hillary Clinton and her corrupt heart has spent her entire life looking for that glittering opportunity for wealth, fame and power.  Her most intensive venture is running for President of the United States but her medical condition is the hill she cannot climb and Charlie and Moscovic his Russian pal down river knew the real reason.
People are saying Hillary Clinton has pneumonia but Moscovic living in a cabin south of Charlie on the river with his wife and four children knew that the sugared hot tea that kept Hillary warm last fall contained tiny granules of that radioactive treasure uranium out of Charlie Ledgers uranium chest buried in the woods. 
Charlie and Moscovic were always down to their last can of beans and Moscovic's children needed oatmeal so the two men made the deal with the "visitor".  Moscovic introduced Charlie to his Russian friend and told his pal Charlie that their bad luck was over. 
The Russian Visitor paid Charlie $1,700 cash money for the old and rusty second-hand drilling bit which was worth about twenty dollars and a few samples of the grayish-black rock that Charlie kept buried out back.
The Russian visitor borrowed Charlie's old Geiger counter to test the grayish black rock that contained uranium and his eyes bugged out when he saw the absolute strength of the radioactive rock.
It happened a little over a year ago and Charlie was broke again but the Atomic Energy Commission had just left and took samples of the uranium ore he had buried.  

Vladimir Putin KGB Soviet Union
From Russia With Love

Charlie looked out to the world's second largest source of uranium in the world and wondered why Hillary Clinton allowed it to be sold to Russia.
Geologists told Charlie that he in fact had a uranium mine with only tiny bits of uranium but Charlie would never give up.
Charlie's Russian friend Moscovic had died of pneumonia in the spring and the wife and kids had moved off the land.
Charlie sat down on what he called the "top spot" and tuned in his a.m. radio and heard that Hillary Clinton had pneumonia.  That was a shame.

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