Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Bitchy and Clumsy Ashleigh Banfield of CNN insists that Donald Trump is undermining the main stream media which is truly comical. Donald Trump does not control CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC or FOX News so the hopeless and unskilled was commanded to cover the Trump story Friday.

CNN was bitched smacked but their preconceived notion that Donald Trump was going to step on his pee-pee concerning the Hillary Clinton born BIRTHER movement pulled them like fly's to a dead stiff in the woods.  CNN really expects viewers to keep watching them punch Donald Trump around and sponsor Crooked Hillary Clinton. 

The clumsy Ashleigh Banfield of CNN insists that Donald Trump is undermining the main stream media which is truly comical.  Donald Trump does not control CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC or FOX News so the hopeless and unskilled was commanded to cover the Trump story Friday.

CNN ABC CBS NBC MSNBC and at times FOX News is not valuable to the viewers and with the exception of FOX the other networks are not even creditable concerning political current events.

CNN is the joke and they would have done well under Saddam Hussein because they follow their scripts from a centralized administrative government.  Show American's the unending specials on Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton's Foundation, the murders in Benghazi, the Lois Lerner I.R.S Scandal, the DOJ Loretta Lynch FBI James Comey Hoax on the citizens concerning the private email server and the endless lawless radical actions of Barack Obama.

CNN and the others are a disgrace to America so Ashleigh Banfield can kiss our ass and go live in Iraq, which may help her ratings.  In the mean time Americans are turning to Breitbart News, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and others for critical thoughts and events.

The main stream media is corrupt and not worth a two bit whore but they do share the same value and principles as Hillary Rodham Clinton and they're both losing.


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