Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton is handicapped. Hillary Clinton is crippled. Hillary Clinton does not have the integrity or human energy to be president of the United States as she is slow to make decisions, she has no tempo to lead people, she is dishonest but her health is the final straw.

Superman would have been staggered but the old corrupt Hillary Clinton is still standing but faced with a real life problem inside the now outdated DNC Democratic Socialist Political Machine.
The secret story of Hillary Clinton's health is coming to the surface and it's being leaked by the DNC to shape the departure of Hillary Clinton from the national democratic socialist ticket for president.
Hillary Clinton's amazing vitality is accomplished with high class specialized drugs just like Adolf Hitler did to keep standing.  The terrible Hillary Clinton Medical Emergency on 9-11 was caught on camera so the campaign can no longer keep lying to the public.
Hillary Clinton hides her secrets every day of her political life with Benghazi, Private Email Scandal, Corrupt FBI Investigation, The Clinton Foundation, Foreign Funding and Favors for Cash but she can no longer hide her biggest secret affecting our national life and security which is her personal health.
Safeguarding the United States requires an honest person so Hillary Clinton is not qualified.  The president is required to make momentous decisions affecting our safety, our borders, our economy and most importantly our nation and families and other affairs of state and her personal health cannot and will not stand the stress and strain.
White House pressure is terrific and Hillary Clinton wants us to believe she cannot stand outside on a cooler September day without having another medical emergency because of pneumonia.  Every honest citizen knows that Hillary Clinton is lying about pneumonia as it's just another cover story for another series of lies.
As president of the United States Hillary Clinton would be saddled with great pressure and long hours for years and will surely die in the oval office as she faces the tasks which leads inevitably to shattered nerves, premature old age, physical breakdown and of course at times the loss of life.  Hillary is almost 70 years old and she has no business risking the lives of every American because her super ego wants to be president even though her health should have her in the hospital hooked up to machines and monitored 24 hours by doctors.
Woodrow Wilson relaxed by reading detective stories. Calvin Coolidge liked to go fishing and Hoover also liked standing on the river bank to cast his line and bait. Barack Obama plays basketball but Hillary Clinton does nothing. 
Hillary Clinton is handicapped.  Hillary Clinton is crippled.  Hillary Clinton does not have the integrity or human energy to be president of the United States as she is slow to make decisions, she has no tempo to lead people, she is dishonest but her health is the final straw.
Yes, Hillary Clinton is handicapped and crippled and she is not gusty or refreshing she is a liar and cheat pumped full of drugs to keep her standing.
Does Hillary Clinton keep her body fit?  No, she is fat and dumpy.
Have you ever seen Hillary riding horseback or playing basketball?
Have you ever seen Hillary swimming laps in an Olympic pool?

Paralysis has struck Hillary Clinton down and the DNC must introduce a new presidential candidate at once. Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden right now because Hillary Clinton will never tell the truth about her disease.


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