Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton the basket of deplorables Talking Ugly About Bill Clinton Victims - Donald Trump Supporters - Barbra Streisand LGBT Party New York City - The Mystery Behind Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton and Barbra Streisand at an LGBT fundraiser in downtown New York was the platform for Hillary Clinton and the oldest profession.  Hillary again put her heel on Bill Clinton's sexual victims as she ranted about the Donald Trump supporters.  Little did she know that the FBI was down the street and they have their own little communication devices like she wears during public events. Hillary Clinton told an audience of donors Friday night that half of Donald Trump's supporters fall into "the basket of deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.

Hillary called Trump supporters everything and let's face it Hillary never says a damn thing she really means. Last we heard she was going to tax the rich to death and kill all the bankers and blast the coal miners but the LGBT fundraiser is different, it's a queer kind of gathering. You really should wonder if Hillary Clinton brings up Anthony Weiner during these LGBT events and his disgusting sexual perversions with Huma Abedin the Muslim under the sheets?  Or does Hillary Clinton ever discuss the sexual rape and assault charges placed against her husband Bill Clinton or is that something Lesbians and Queers really don't want to talk about as they try and gain political power through Hillary Clinton?

Hillary in that mystery comic way always plays to the crowd in front of the stage so don't think the old prostitute isn't terrified about losing to Donald Trump as the Martini Minions wrote their checks and lifted their eyebrow's and glasses.

If the DNC elites raided the fundraiser you would have to wonder if the high school diploma crowd is happy about Hillary Clinton or do they want to bury her in an old coal mine shaft and get Elizabeth Warren running for the White House. 

Hillary Clinton is truly living her last call girl job and she knows the FBI and the CIA follow her around like a hound dog.  Down the street at that little side-street cafe is an FBI special agent named Andy Ledger and he strikes you as a normal G-man even if a trifle weird to say the least.

Andy Ledger knows all about Hillary and the lesbian dive where waiters are deep-voiced girls, with short cropped hair, dressed in some natty tuxedos so he watches the front door of the local bohemian uptown cafe as Hillary mingles down the street.

The democratic socialist creeps were raising money down the street in all their gleaming splendor but the DNC blue blood's couldn't handle the truth about Hillary and Bill Clinton and their bizarre home-sweet-home loathing of regular people like the millions of Donald Trump supporters.

Pay for Play profession, the oldest profession.

Andy Ledger and the FBI knew that suspicion is not proof of anything so Andy would watch the old girl again tonight.  Hillary had been caught wearing those hot little earphones that even the FBI couldn't afford but the CIA and the NSA was hacking and sharing with the FBI.
Since the DNC WikiLeaks murders the FBI did a couple legal things but it seems pretty sure that DNC talkers were being murdered?

Obviously this was going to be a long night.


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