Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Hillary Clinton gang of Obama, Michelle, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will hit the streets and stay there to force un-informed, under -educated, urban area minorities, black or brown people to vote for the corrupt Hillary Clinton.

One thing for sure Hillary Clinton can't jump over tall buildings, in fact she can barely walk and part of her squad of vehicles is an ambulance full of scoop ready doctors wearing bullet proof vests of all things, ready to scoop the crippled Hillary Clinton or bag her ass up, you never know.

This presidential election cycle has surprised the world.  The legal citizens of the United States want their country back and they want Hillary Clinton in Prison.

Hillary Clinton has tried everything to be President and has been planning this election cycle since her rapist scoundrel x-impeached president left the White House. 

Barack Obama fought a full fledged war to beat out Hillary Clinton and the Black American population put him in a place of power, scattered women clusters, urban welfare centers and illegal aliens.  Now we all see that Barack Obama is a much better liar than Hillary Clinton.  95 million people are out of the work force, almost 50 million on food stamps and about 40% living in poverty and your Buick is made in China, your Ford is built in Mexico and Chicago is truly gangland, just like Baltimore, Detroit and other killing zones across America.

Hillary Clinton now has her big guns coming out to spread the good word about Hillary Clinton but it's the same bastards that destroyed the country.

The Hillary Clinton gang of Obama, Michelle, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will hit the streets and stay there to force un-informed, under -educated, urban area minorities, black or brown people to vote for the corrupt Hillary Clinton.

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren obviously want Hillary Clinton in the Oval office so the corruption can be continued, like the DNC's underground attack on Bernie Sanders. Making them all richer.  

The attacks will be made and they'll sound the same due to their talking points but Hillary cannot seem to strike a blow against Donald Trump, except put him to asleep as Hillary keeps talking.

Hillary on the ground by herself is really helpless and Donald Trump continues to inflict damage against her corrupt personal and political life. Hillary Clinton is vulnerable as everything attached to her is corrupt.

Hillary armed the Syrian rebels.

Hillary let the four Americans in Benghazi Libya die alone.

Hillary supported Jonathan Gruber that lied to Congress and the people about ObamaCare

Hillary knows that IRS Louis Lerner was an insider taking illegal actions.

Hillary helped Obama create ISIS by pulling out our troops in Iraq.

Hillary made sure that Russia Vladimir Putin got the U.S. Uranium.

Hillary made sure the DOJ FBI did not indict her.

Hillary owned a underground email server that left secrets open to computer hacking.

Hillary as a husband named Bill - charged with rape and sexual assault.

Hillary is a primary of the Clinton Foundation - accepting money from enemies,

and a thousand other criminal activities.

Donald Trump is going to stop Hillary Clinton,

lay your money down.


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