Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ed Lee, Mayor of San Francisco, Ross Mirkarimi Sheriff Warrant by DOJ FBI CBP ICE DHS - Arrest - Jailed - Stand Trial - Prison for the Murder of Kate Steinle is not out of Order and Illegal Aliens run wild in San Francisco California Obama Lynch Clinton

Who Murdered Kate Steinle?  Ed Lee, Mayor of San Francisco, Ross Mirkarimi Sheriff Warrant by DOJ FBI CBP ICE DHS - Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Bill De Blasio love illegal aliens as their ignorance gives them power.  The lawless government of Barack Obama draws another red line in the sand.

There is a need for Law, Order and Security in the World, including your neighborhood.  You elect representatives to go to Washington D.C. and stand up for your thoughts, ideas and wishes.  The Congress has passed laws, signed by the President, that controls the immigration of other people into the United States.  The lawless Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder and now DOJ Lynch has decided to ignore the voice and the laws of the people.  This is against the law. 

Donald Trump is capable of intervening into the corrupt Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, Jarrett, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan thug gangster cabal with your help. 

Ed Lee, Mayor of San Francisco, Ross Mirkarimi Sheriff Warrant by DOJ FBI CBP ICE DHS - Arrest - Jailed - Stand Trial - Prison for the Murder of Kate Steinle is not out of Order and Illegal Aliens run wild in San Francisco California  Obama Lynch Clinton 

We now have millions of illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico but from all parts of the world they come for the better life that you always pay for in the end.  We have hundreds of cities, counties and states that break the law by forming Sanctuary Cities where local governments have decided to break the law, federal law.

Sanctuary Cities and their governments are thug gangster governments as they think they can raise their hands, form some local regulation and then break federal law.  

The illegal alien that killed Kate Steinle is the example for today but there has been thousands killed, raped, molested and robbed by illegal aliens, inside these sanctuary cities.

It's time that people go to jail.  DOJ Lynch offers little hope to law and order because of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton following in his lawless footsteps. 

The local government of San Francisco, including their local Sheriff must be removed from power today, not next week.  The local government of San Francisco killed Kate Steinle by allowing illegal aliens to roam free ignoring federal law because the White House and staff are also thug gangster, motivated by money, power and influence.

The Mayor Ed Lee should be jailed today.

Do you think Ed Lee is a lawless government official?

Should Ed Lee be in jail tonight?

When did Ed Lee decide to be the dictator of San Francisco?

Why is your federal taxpayer dollars being sent to San Francisco?

The FBI in conjunction with the DOJ should raid the offices and homes of each member of the local government to secure evidence against them for the murder of Kate Steinle.

Ed Lee
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm. 200
San Francisco, CA 94102
T: 415-554-6141 F: 415-554-6671  1/08/2012     1/08/2016     Two 4-year terms     11/03/2015
Carmen Chu
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm 190
San Francisco, CA 94102
T: 415-554-5444 F: 415-554-5596  1/08/2015     1/08/2019     Unlimited 4-year terms       11/06/2018
City Attorney:
Dennis Herrera
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
T: 415-554-4700 F: 415-554-4715  1/08/2014     1/08/2016     2 years*        11/03/2015
(Unlimited 4-year
terms begin with
this election.)
District Attorney:
George Gascon
850 Bryant St., Rm 322
San Francisco, CA 94103
T: 415-553-9530 F: 415-575-8815  1/08/2012     1/08/2016     Unlimited 4-year terms       11/03/2015
Public Defender:
Jeff Adachi
555 7th St., 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
T: 415-553-1617 F: 415-553-9810  1/08/2015     1/08/2019     Unlimited 4-year terms       11/06/2018
Ross Mirkarimi
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
T: 415-554-7225 F: 415-554-7050  1/08/2012     1/08/2016     Unlimited 4-year terms       11/03/2015
Jose Cisneros
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm 140
San Francisco, CA 94102
T: 415-554-4478 F: 415-554-4589  1/08/2014     1/08/2016     2 years*        11/03/2015
(Unlimited 4-year
terms begin with
 this election.)

* Due to the passing of Prop D in the November 2, 2012 election, which amends the Charter of the City and County, sections 13.101 (b)(3) to read: At the General Municipal Election in 2013, and at the General Municipal Election in 2015 and every fourth year thereafter, a City Attorney and Treasurer shall be elected. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter including Section 6.100, the term of office for the person elected City Attorney or Treasurer at the General Municipal Election in 2013 shall be two years.

Office  Term Begins  Term Ends     Term Limit    Next Election
Board of Supervisors:
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm 244
San Francisco, CA 94102 T: 415-554-5184

Two 4-year terms    
District 1:
Eric Mar
Room 284 T: 415-554-7410 F: 415-554-7415         1/08/2013    

2nd Term      11/08/2016*
District 2:
Mark Farrell
Room 280 T: 415-554-7752 F: 415-554-7843       1/08/2015     1/08/2019     2nd Term      11/06/2018
District 3:
Julie Christensen
Room 264 T: 415-554-7450 F: 415-554-7454

1/08/2015**  1/08/2016     1st Term       11/03/2015***
District 4:
Katy Tang
Room 260 T: 415-554-7460 F: 415-554-7432

1/08/2015     1/08/2019     1st Term       11/06/2018
District 5:
London Breed
Room 256 T: 415-554-7630 F: 415-554-7634     1/08/2013     1/08/2017     1st Term       11/08/2016
District 6:
Jane Kim
Room 282 T: 415-554-7970 F: 415-554-7974 1/08/2015     1/08/2019     2nd Term      11/06/2018*
District 7:
Norman Yee
Room 260 T: 415-554-6516 F: 415-554-6546       1/08/2013     1/08/2017     1st Term       11/08/2016
District 8:
Scott Wiener
Room 274 T: 415-554-6968 F:415-554-6909      1/08/2015     1/08/2019     2nd Term      11/06/2018*
District 9:
David Campos
Room 279 T: 415-554-5144 F: 415-554-6255     1/08/2013     1/08/2017     2nd Term      11/08/2016*
District 10:
Malia Cohen
Room 272 T: 415-554-7670 F: 415-554-7674       01/08/2015   1/08/2019     2nd Term      11/06/2018
District 11:
John Avalos
Room 256 T: 415-554-6975 F: 415-554-6979        1/08/2013     1/08/2017     2nd Term      11/08/2016*
*Incumbent not eligible to run.
**Appointed by Mayor 1/08/15
***Following appointment, election to determine remaining year of term

Office  Term Begins  Term Ends     Term Limit    Next Election
Board of Education:
555 Franklin St. #106
San Francisco, CA 94102
T: 415-241-6427     

Unlimited 4-year terms      
Emily Murase

 1/08/2015    1/08/2019    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2018
Hydra Mendoza

 1/08/2015    1/08/2019    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2018
Shamann Walton

 1/08/2015    1/08/2019    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2018
Sandra Lee Fewer

 1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/08/2016
Rachel Norton

 1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2016
Jill Wynns

 1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2016
Matt Haney         1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms       11/08/2016
Community College Board:
50 Phelan Ave. #S194
San Francisco, CA 94112
T: 415-239-3680 F: 415-452-5150

Unlimited 4-year terms      
John Rizzo

 1/08/2015    1/08/2019    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2018
Thea Selby

 1/08/2015    1/08/2019    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2018
Brigitte Davila

 1/08/2015    1/08/2019    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/06/2018
Alex Randolph

 1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/03/2015
Rafael Mandelman        1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms       11/08/2016
Steve Ngo

 1/08/2013    1/08/2017    Unlimited 4-year terms      11/08/2016
Amy Bacharach

 1/08/2015    1/08/2017    2 year term (to fill vacant seat)    11/08/2016
BART Board of Directors:
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94607
T: 510-464-6095    F: 510-464-6011

Unlimited 4-year terms      
District 7:
Zakhary Mallett

12/16/2012   12/16/2016   Unlimited 4-year terms       11/08/2016
District 8:
Nick Josefowitz        12/0152014   12/05/2018   Unlimited 4-year terms       11/06/2018
District 9:
Tom Radulovich       12/16/2012   12/16/2016   Unlimited 4-year terms       11/08/2016 *This CCB Seat will be up for election on 11/3/2015 for the last year in the existing term. It will go up for election again in November, 2016 for the full 4 year term.

Democratic County Central Committee:
645 Harrison, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107
T: 415-626-1161 Website: Email:
17th Assembly District        19th Assembly District
 David Campos         Kat Anderson
 David Chiu

 Kelly Dwyer
 Malia Cohen  Bill Fazio
 Petra DeJesus         Tim Hsieh
 Matt Dorsey  Mary Jung
 Bevan Dufty  Hene Kelly
 Zoe Dunning  Meagan Levitan
 Leslie Katz   Eric Mar
 Rafael Mandelman   Trevor McNeil
 Carole Migden         Arlo Smith
 Lean Pimentel       
 Alix Amelia Rosenthal       
 Scott Weiner


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