Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 27, 2014

At least three to five thousand armed and dangerous men guard Barack Obama 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, trying to keep Obama safe, Is Barack Obama a coward? Is Barack Obama afraid to defend America? Is Barack Obama call talk and no show like during this basketball games? It is rumored at the highest levels of the U.S. government that Obama is becoming afraid of his own Army, Navy and Air Force. Obama is afraid that one day, they won't follow orders. Obama sees the violence around the world against the leaders of many countries. Can it happen in America. What if the generals say no? What if a trooper tells Obama, go yourself?

Does Barack Obama Dribble, never taking the shot? 

Barack Obama doesn't sleep that well at night, even though he's a big fat crying baby, Is Barack Obama a coward?  Is Barack Obama afraid to defend America?  Is Barack Obama all talk and no show like during his basketball games?

Was letting 5 killers out of GITMO, the Taliban Five, traded for traitor Bergdahl, just another fake on Obama's game board?  What does Obama really plan?  He lied about the red line in Syria.  He lied about ObamaCare.  He lied about improving the VA Veterans Administration and he's lying now.

Obama hates America but loves corruption and the power of other peoples money.  Typical street corner thug thinking, pick off the weak, take the easy shots and let others do the heavy lifting.

Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, perfect example, let them die, move on, what's the big deal?

Is Obama really the Negro that is beating the savage war drums like the Redskins of along ago?

Is Obama the moder Army General George Custer taking all of us with him?  Will your children join the Army now, not able to pray before battle, no church cross to lean on.  Obama is not a victim, Obama is evil and the people vote in November.

It is rumored at the highest levels of the U.S. government that Obama is becoming afraid of his own Army, Navy and Air Force.  Obama is afraid that one day, they won't follow orders.

What if a Marine said NO Barack, you stand in the rain like the rest of America you bastard! Obama sees the violence around the world against the leaders of many countries.  Can it happen in America?  What if the generals say no?  What if a trooper tells Obama, go yourself? Obama has discounted the proud History of America and the power of millions of people to stop him and his corrupt government.

Obama wants a half billion dollars to train Syrian rebels.  Even though, he wants to stop the same people, the Syrian terrorists by the name of ISIS in Iraq.  Obama is one confused Negro with a checkbook, my Daddy would say, I suppose. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, War, Terrorists, Bergdahl, Taliban Five, GITMO Trade.  Dumb president, loose lips Kerry and Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices are a joke. Will future American men and women go to war for people like Barack Obama that lies about everything.  You can keep your tank, if you like your tank?  If Obama gets 500 million dollars for Syria, surely John Kerry will back door it out to others, just like Hillary Clinton did.

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