Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, August 31, 2015

Barack Obama Hillary Clinton The NSA, CIA, DHS, DOD, DIA, FBI, ATF, IRS, BLM, CBP and many others are providing illegal intelligence to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to control the civilian populations.

The Negro is being oppressed by the Democratic Socialist  Progressive Party DNC of Hillary Rodham Clinton and  Barack Obama, President Barack Obama has already  signed Marshall Law orders, and by law, Marshall law is in effect within the United States this very day, yet enacted.

You can quickly become a detainee of the Barack Obama government with the loss of all legal rights under the U.S. Constitution. You can now be charged with a hate crime if you use the N-Word Nigg.r or even the word Thug when you describe the radical and lawlessness of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  There is a jail cell waiting for you.

Guantanamo GITMO type prisons are now built and available to hold deemed citizen criminals, by the hundreds of thousands.  Notice the word, deemed.  There are no judges or juries involved, you can be simply charged and jailed, for years. 

The FEMA reeducation and consolidation camps stand ready this day to receive, house, feed and guard hundreds of thousands of citizen criminals without lawyers, judges or any other typical legal process. 

Hundreds of millions of ready to eat meals are already purchased and in storage this day and ready for distribution. 

Many in America, are so terrorized by Barack Obama at this point they dare not help themselves. 

Millions of people are unemployed and huddle together in the homes of parents and friends to survive. More millions are under-employed and barely survive the Obama economy and have been forced to spend their entire life savings, enroll in welfare programs creating a weakness inside the population and a criminal strength, centralized at the White House, under the elected authority of Barack Obama. 

The organized insurrection against the peoples rights starts at the White House and the Communist Socialist Liberal Progressives Democrats that have gained or have been given power. Over 99% of your government is appointed by the 1% that were elected. The members of the U.S. Congress 435 + 100 Senators uses the media to influence everything your read or watch on T.V. Barack Obama, the lawfully elected President of the United States no longer allows his picture to be taken by the peoples press. The people know that Barack Obama is inept, but few realize that he is extremely dangerous to the U.S. Constitution and the survival of the United States. 

The enormous SNAP food stamp program, food for the hungry, is really a government sponsored authoritarian operation "Operation Starvation" which enables the Barack Obama government to deny food at any time. A food denial program once under scrutiny is the most evil thing a centralized government can do against its own people. A chemical gas attack can kill a localized few thousands but a food denial program (SNAP) can isolate and kill tens of millions of people within a few days. If a group of people were deemed terrorists inside of America, would you allow them to starve until dead?

The Marshall Law creates an enormous temptation for government radicals as they now attempt to conflict the citizens by racial tensions and direct threats by the government. Barack Obama has already announced that he will veto the will of the people and will continue his unlawful acts. Under the U.S. Constitution the citizens have the right to remove or hold away the deemed tyrant to protect the government by and for the people.

Barack Obama continues to rule over the people, refusing to use the rules and the laws of the people as to assert his illegal ruling over the people. Millions of voters now realize that the laws of the land, protected by the Constitution are cumbersome and slow and may be ill-suited to contend with Barack Obama's affronts to their liberties, freedom and property rights. 

Barack Obama has only attempted to win the hearts and the minds of the colored minority to gain power against the majority white middle-class and we can now see open insurgent activities against the people. His strategy continues to allow millions of colored people to enter the United States by refusing to guard the borders to increase his un-constitutional power over the entire population.

The American culture is made up of individuals but groups are now being sponsored and formed by the corrupt government based on economic status, color of skin and basic economics to be used as a power against the people.

The intelligence services of Barack Obama, taking many forms, are being used against the people during their daily lives and economic activity. 

The NSA, CIA, DHS, DOD, DIA, FBI, ATF, IRS, BLM, CBP and many others are providing illegal intelligence to Barack Obama to control the civilian populations. 

Barack Obama insurgents (operatives) deliberately blur the lines using national media ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times and hundreds of others and the government may be sponsoring incidents this very day to provoke the citizens to enable Barack Obama to engage his security forces, including National Guard Units in all the states.

Barack Obama is using economic and domestic terror to invoke a repression of the individual liberties of the people, known as Marshall Law.

The enemy camps are open.

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