Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Donald Trump Huma Abedin Anthony Weiner Hillary Clinton - Donald Trump FBI CIA NSA Secrets are moving and cash is flowing and the people understand and Donald Trump is the national whistle-blower

Donald Trump, now, speaks for the people, the honest and hard working traditional people of the United States of America.  Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden are on the other side of the fence and they speak for socialism, communism and marxism.  The Clinton Crime Gang has prospered under the nose of Barack Obama making him responsible for the complete international failures while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.  The story gets bigger.

Donald Trump, is saying the same things that millions of American citizens have been saying for years around the dinner table.  Hillary and Bill Clinton are criminals and criminals surround themselves with other criminals, thus the Clinton gang.

Muslim Huma Abedin is a Clinton insider and thanks to Hillary Clinton has been working for the U.S. Government, A private for - profit consulting company and of course the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the backbone of the Clinton's money laundering business.

Huma Abedin should be investigated and surly the FBI is doing just that, even if the boss doesn't know it.  Hillary Clinton does not realize that her power is just rented and the people have tossed her to the side.  If you join the Clinton Gang you're a criminal too.   If you helped the Barack Obama Gang the FBI have a file on you.  The CIA and the NSA also have extensive files on Huma Abedin because she has had access to top secret documents from the U.S. Government for years, most likely passing that same secret on to Islamic Radicals inside the Muslim Brotherhood in America and the Middle-East. 

Remember the sleazebag Anthony Weiner, the disgraced congressman from New York is married to the Muslim Brotherhood supporter Huma Abedin who works for Hillary Clinton who has access to all U.S. Government Secrets, stored away on secret private computer servers that the FBI doesn't even know about.  Secrets are moving and cash is flowing and the people understand and Donald Trump is the national whistle-blower. 

Any reasonable person understands that Huma Abedin has access to top secret documents and information.  We already know that Hillary Clinton has set up an underground shadow computer server hidden from the world.  We know that Bill Clinton receives millions of dollars in speaking fee's thus paying the Clinton's for U.S. Government Secrets.  Clients are even in North Korea, the Communist menace of the world. 

Huma Abedin has committed crimes against America.

Anthony Weiner has committed crimes.

Hillary Clinton has committed crimes against America.


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