Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fight Civil Unrest - Megyn Kelly Fox News Understands Now that Donald Trump is not an aberration but he is an American Patriot - and the people will support him

Megyn Kelly of Fox News, the blonde bomber, with fiendish excitement ask Donald Trump her trickster question during the Presidential Debates on FOX NEWS.

Like a dog barking Donald Trump gave his answer as the live audience clapped and laughed unresistingly showing their love for Donald Trump as they had been screaming for the truth for over six years.

Heavy Weight Fight - One Round - Knock Out

Donald Trump is not an aberration he is an American Patriot

Megyn Kelly takes it on the chin and is knocked out in the first minute of round one and Fox News leaves her cold on the floor. 

Megyn Kelly did not expect Donald Trump's general impulse to simply tell the truth and not to spin what he had said. No matter what was said during the debate everybody knows every man on the stage had been bought and paid for, except Donald Trump running for president.

Megyn Kelly of Fox News, apprehension showing,  wanted to scream at Donald Trump but she maintained her mouth and sneered at the next president of the United States.

Megyn Kelly had tried her best to embarrass Donald Trump trying to expose some inconsistencies that would cripple his attempt to become president.  Donald Trump smiled and pointed, "Rosie O'Donnel" and kept talking as Megyn was referring to the fat ass Rosie O'Donnel the famous T.V. Lesbian.

The Clinton's are being paid from both sides.  News Corp, funds the Clinton's so it makes you wonder who wrote the questions that Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump before the knockout punch by the Donald, in round one.  Hillary Clinton will do anything to stay out of the ring with Donald Trump and her fear is showing.  She's a hard left radical progressive socialist and Donald Trump has a hard right waiting

Donald Trump served up justice today to Megyn Kelly and they call it the truth, not hard to explain, he had said it and now he confirmed it.  If Megyn Kelly didn't like it and suffered from the truth Donald Trump could brand her again with more of the same.

Donald Trump would absorb some criticism but you have to wonder what Megyn Kelly would ask Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

Donald Trump uses the truth like a bayonet and talks about the millions of illegal aliens crossing into America from Mexico.  He speaks directly to the bought and sold politicians, including the ones on the stage and even Hillary Clinton.

The GOP tried their best to overthrow Donald Trump, using their sponsor and the power of cash with Fox News but Megyn Kelly, the erring woman got what she deserved but her misconduct has no excuse.  She attempted to provoke Donald Trump because her disgusting tactics were authorized from the very top of Fox and she had her orders.

Without any decorum or self-respect she pushed on with her poisonous questions and her holier and misguided questions fell flat as the patriotic feelings in the audience polluted her words as they were outraged by Megyn Kelly and her petty calumnies or willful slander.
Megyn Kelly's popularity will now fade, her gravest fault was to follow orders from Fox News to irritate Donald Trump to some boiling point to render him a fool and thus remove him.

The well disposed billionaire continues his march and as you look around the millions of footsteps following him can now be heard.

His truth and mischief will inspire the nation and remove the tyrant and stop Hillary Clinton building her corrupt empire.

The heroic knight, Donald Trump has unrestrained chivalry in his nature and is fanatical about the United States and will thus become president, uncompromising, unblushing he continues and domineers over all the others.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is afraid. She lacks any grace of originality and her sound bites are like talking polls.  They are all the same, except this one, Donald Trump.

She has no coherent phrases that can match his truth.

Starting with the U.S. Constitution Donald Trump will allow no diversions as the others like Megyn Kelly blunder around. 

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and many others are all common, cookie cutter Republicans but they are also part of the thieves inside Congress and State Governments that has allowed Barack Obama to heap abuse upon you and your family. 

93.7 million people are out of the workforce but Megyn Kelly asks about Rosie?  Did she ask Jeb Bushing about earning 27 Million dollars in 7 years from wall street villains and monsters?

They are 24.7 million foreign workers inside America but Fox News, big government, big union, big media, big labor and others formed an international club against you and America.  Did Megyn Kelly ask about rounding up the illegal alien rats that are raping the United States and stealing everything with the help of Barack Obama?

Over 56 million women are not working and are brutalized by ObamaCare, Unemployed Husbands, Welfare programs that take their wealth and give it to worthless non working people but Megyn Kelly is distinctly and expressly affirmed, acting like a bitch.

Donald Trump is not an aberration he is an American Patriot, the one you've been looking for all these years.

Welcome him into your home.


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