Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Megyn Kelly FOX NEWS Talking Head - Realize that the American citizen will no longer be constrained inside the barbarous centralized government of Barack Hussein Obama

Megyn Kelly FOX NEWS Talking Head - 
Realize that the American citizen will no longer be constrained inside the barbarous centralized government of Barack Hussein Obama and the soon to be Hillary Rodham Clinton administration because Megyn Kelly is impassioned against Donald Trump.  

FOX News Corporate Parent (21st Century Fox/News Corp)  is one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation Crime Machine and the employer of Megyn Kelly, the blond bomb shell that bombed during the presidential debates while attacking Donald Trump.

The questions (Megyn Kelly) asked of Donald Trump were for ratings and her miserable performance cannot now be transferred to Donald Trump.  Her expected questions were the attempts of News Corp Executives to take down Donald Trump and turn the presidential debates into a daytime talk show.  News Corp, therefore Fox News is supported by dollars of major u.s. fortune 100 companies, through their buying of advertising on t.v. and radio and they want Donald Trump gone.

The American people now truly understand that these peddlers of notoriety care more about their paychecks and ratings than they do the country.  Megyn Kelly sold out to the bosses and failed the American citizens.  We now know that Megyn Kelly is incompetent and has a price tag to fund her lifestyle and not yours.  Megyn Kelly has received universal scorn from the public and she should be encourage to resign her position.

Megyn Kelly is in the talk show business and she can be blotted out of business by the American people in one day or less.  She does not realize that a brand new revolution has started and the very first thing that is changing is the expectations of the American people.  The people don't want the daytime talk show questions, the pop culture b.s. offered up by Megyn Kelly or implanted lines of thinking.  We want our country back.

If Megyn Kelly would just watch herself offering up stupid questions to Donald Trump she would clearly see that the whips of words fell flat across America.  As people are being murdered across America by illegal aliens Megyn Kelly has no practical effect on her viewers or our nation.  One blonde voter does not save a nation.  She is not important and her opinion has little value, she does not want to be president so her deliberate hoax questions must be for downstream advertising dollars for her show?

The people will no longer accept progressive republicans.  The people will no longer accept GOP pretenders for power or talking heads chasing their own fame while big media, big government, big unions, big business have all combined against the American people and our constitution. 

The bloodhounds are running and the citizen is tracking as to seize up and drag out the tormentors of the constitution as our victimhood has expired.

The law of right, justice and freedom is at hand so the talking heads need to listen more and grasp the true pulse of the nation.

New York Times Reporting
Donald Trump had to listen obediently, even meekly, as Megyn Kelly—the one woman on Fox News’s panel of three debate moderators—recited a squirm-inducing litany of his misogynistic remarks through time.

“You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” Kelly said, and if she was trying to hide her revulsion, she wasn’t doing an especially deft job. She recalled that Trump once told a contestant on “The Celebrity Apprentice” that “it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.” And she wondered how he’d ever stand up to inevitable charges from Hillary Clinton that he was a carrot-haired corporal in “the war on women.”

This wasn’t a debate, at least not like most of those I’ve seen.

This was an inquisition.


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