Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Creeping Things named Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush have nails for the Donald Trump coffin - Bill Clinton and Jeb Bush Conspiracy Exposed Stitching The Lies Together

The Clinton Crime Gang, known as the "Clinton Foundation" or the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has taken a critical criminal side to the Presidential debates and more.  The Clinton Crime Gang, headed by Bill Clinton, the impeached president has been working with the Jeb Bush campaign to cripple Donald Trump. 

Hillary Clinton is not merely brooding over Donald Trump she is trying everything to destroy Donald Trump before they are forced to meet face to face, fact to fact in front of a national stage during a presidential debate.  

Bill Clinton, the impeached and disgraced Democratic X President told Jeb Bush "this Trump thing will be taken care of."  

Trump is rising dramatically in all the polls and the Clinton Crime Gang wants to strangle the political republican baby Donald Trump to secure the White House for the hard left liberal socialist party once known as the Democrats.

Unsteadily Jeb Bush continues his campaign with the same cash donors that Hillary Clinton enjoys. Hillary Clinton wants to destroy Trump which would only leave Jeb Bush to oppose her run for the White House.

Many have noticed Hillary's skin turning paler, her skin dry and her wrinkled face is flushed when people talk about Donald Trump around her.  The FOX News debate blonde bomb Megyn Kelly was ordered or at least manipulated to destroy Donald Trump which was very transparent during the debates.

Bill Clinton reportedly told Jeb Bush in July, “this Trump thing will be taken care of.”

Bush was concerned with Trump’s rising popularity that continues to rise despite the best efforts of the liberal media and Republican elites.

Note: This [is] the second public report where the Clinton people say Jeb Bush would be the easiest Republican to beat in a general election.

The DC Whispers reported this back in July, via Free Republic:

The call for help has even been issued to Jeb Bush’s seeming Democratic rival – Team Clinton. Apparently Bush operatives believe that between the two political dynasties and their many supporters among the Mainstream Media and corporate business world, the Trump threat can be quickly terminated before it grows into a legitimate challenge to the seemingly pre-determined Bush vs Clinton 2016 showdown.

A D.C. Whispers source put it this way:

“It’s said that Hillary Clinton wants nothing to do with Donald Trump. To most they just call him a clown, but privately they’re afraid of him. The Clinton team doesn’t fear Jeb Bush because they know what they are up against and that lack of fear is mutual among the Bush operation as well. They both run in similar circles politically and financially, so it’s a choice of shades of the same color and that’s how they want to keep it.”

Apparently Jeb Bush’s focus on “The Donald” has become quite personal. Bush is said to be “deeply disappointed” that the media and corporate attacks on Mr. Trump have only made the outspoken billionaire’s appeal to voters that much stronger. It is a political dynamic for which Bush political operatives are increasingly confused and concerned over.

Those concerns were said to be given some salve in the form of assurances from Bill Clinton during a personal call he had with Jeb Bush two days earlier. While most of that conversation remains private, Jeb did share with others that the former president reminded the would-be presidential hopeful that, “a lot of this Trump thing will be taken care of during your debates, if not sooner.”

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