Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dull Experts Miss Again - Hillary Goes To Jail - Trump Kills the Iranian Nuclear Deal - GM to Build Buick in China - CNN and MSNBC File Bankruptcy - Israel Bombs Iran - Obama Lynch Picnic Ants - Muslim Brotherhood Finds God - Unemployment - Illegal Aliens Mob Rule - Constitution - Anchor Babies to Planned Parenthood Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Evil and Good

The be-moaners on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and even FOX News cannot explain the explosion of support for Donald Trump, or they don't want to say.  The captains of the national media may get the hint now, the Clinton Open Unsecured Computer Server was left unsecured for a good reason, hackers paid for access to top secret government documents.  The whispering and copulating has started behind closed doors.  Who left the Obama government secrets in the bathroom, with the door open?
The so-called political experts, just like the financial economic experts continue to miss the boat and only offer dull advice as a duty to collect their paycheck.
The Hillary Clinton total failure is easily explained with the truth but the main stream media doesn't get paid to spread facts, only biased opinions.  The American citizen has been grievously wronged by Barack Obama and the likes of Hillary and Bill Clinton and sympathetically anti-lynching laws protect the criminals.
The Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign is little more than a soap-opera as her story is a mixed toxic stew of past crimes, present day crimes and a mix of characters that puckered up for the big make out and got dumped.  The illegal aliens surround you as Obama grabs up his executive order pen to destroy your wealth, your job and your Christian family values.  
The American housewife is tired of the B.S. out of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and all the others as the entire nation has deteriorated into some banana republic dictatorship.  The new Hillary Clinton social pattern for America is do what you want, destroy the evidence and go to the national democratic convention.
The routine of lying, cheating and stealing is the new culture in America thanks to the corrupt thugs inside the Clinton and Obama gangs.  Hillary has never had a serious or brilliant career and rumors that Chelsea was made by another man, not Bill Clinton is just more icing on the cake. 
Hillary needs to wipe off the lipstick and stick her hands in some dishwater for a few decades and stop the con job.  She controls about two billion dollars being held in secret inside the Clinton Foundation, so who is she kidding.
Hillary Clinton is bored and trapped inside the x-president's life "Bill Clinton" who was impeached by Congress, roams the night for girls, has a black son paid off to live in South America but the media is just too busy to tell the truth.
Now we discover she ran her own private underground secret computer server containing tens of thousands of government documents, being hacked, minute by minute by the Chinese Communists, the Russian Communists and others.
Now the truth.
Hillary Clinton did in fact operate a secret - unsecured computer server for a very specific reason.  The Clinton servers only protected by a bathroom door.
So the enemies of the United States could hack it.
Yes, the secret server was left out in the open for hackers.
You paid a fee for access.
You were allowed to hack top secret information if you paid a price for Bill Clinton to make some silly speech about nothing in the middle of nothing for millions in cash.
This tragic truth will be revealed by the CIA, NSA and will be confirmed by the FBI before this month ends.
The no talent Hillary Clinton had nothing to offer except the secrets of the United States and maybe cut a few deals on the side.  American uranium, sold to Russia, moves to Iran, to create a Nuclear Weapons Program for Barack Obama friends, the Muslim Brotherhood, knows as ISIS or ISIL.
Hillary Clinton didn't date a lot in college because she met Bill Clinton and had all the pre-marriage sex she wanted.  She has never had a job that she didn't sleep with some guy as she pushed her way through the boys club by the boys club.
Her habits have not changed.
Boys, come get it.
The side of Hillary's personality that you rarely see was seen during the FOX News questioning about her secret server.
Leave the server open.
Sell access to the information.
Wipe the server, destroy the evidence.
Deny everything as "ridiculous".
She fails on personality, intelligence, socially and civically because she is a criminal with a well thought out escape hatch that has been discovered.  Just like a Mexican drug tunnel Hillary has been caught inside with water up to her ass crawling around with Obama, Abedin, Mills, and others like Bill Clinton.
Physically she's done.
Mentally she's done.
Emotionally she's done,
so coping with Donald Trump for president is like dealing with Bill Clinton and all his women or Obama's secret college records.
Hillary has a maid, a cook and a laundress so she has never done any hard work in her life except trying to keep Bill Clinton from screwing the help in the White House.

She has an idiot for a child named Chelsea Clinton and her family is in ruin and her own criminal patterns make her a criminal.

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