Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The White Woman of America can no longer be persuaded so government force and economic pressures are being applied by Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It is time to fully resist the unconstitutional government of the radical Barack Hussein Obama in that Congress offers no resistance against Barack Obama's direct usurpation of your constitutional rights.

You must resist today against any unconstitutional measure of the federal government as America is on the verge of irretrievable ruin.

Acting on high motives, you have the sovereign power to be a principle involved in the retaking of the federal government and returning the power to the honest citizen.

There is now little difference between the socialist democrat and the establishment republican and you are now the victim of unconstitutional legislation.  

Your taxpayer dollars are now being allocated to butcher unborn Negro's and then selling off the human body parts by Planned Parenthood.  

Your taxpayer dollars are now being used by the Obama centralized socialist government to investigate Hillary Clinton and the hundreds of thousands of dollars she has spent to operate a shadow government for hire while secretary of state for the United States.

Your taxpayer dollars are now being spent on sealing the Iran Nuclear Bomb deal with Iran with multiple secret sub-deals attached which you are not allowed to see.

Your taxpayer dollars are being used to house, feed, cloth, transport and entertain millions of illegal aliens while at the same time they steal, deal drugs, run guns, pimp girls, fill the schools, crowd the emergency rooms and commit crimes across America.

You have many grounds-examples for your complaints.

Major political donors, big media, big unions, big business have funded the actual takeover of your federal government substituting your citizen voice for power, influence and worldwide wealth for the elite few.

The Barack Obama John Kerry Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Harry Reid Hillary Clinton government is now oppressive and resistance is now required.

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is now streaming with foreign cash donations to the "Clinton Foundation"  Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation as she continues to erase your political rights of freedom and prosperity.  Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Thug Gang continues to pollute the political and cultural ethics of the United States as her miserable performance as secretary of state comes to surface.

The folly of the Obama socialist centralized government will be followed by the delusional administration of Hillary Clinton if you do not resist.

Everywhere evil is spreading across the globe and the characters responsible are now known as Hillary and Bill Clinton,  Barack Obama, Van Jones, Joe Biden, George Soros, Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and thousands of others.  Now and forever these names will be tied to the destruction of liberty, freedom and the U.S. Constitution as the United States has now failed.

We have no dignity abroad and the bubble of our economy will surely burst right after the next national elections.  The middle east will be at war and Iran will have a nuclear weapon and a delivery missile system, all thanks to Obama and Clinton.

The Muslim Islamic Jihadist War is spreading and Barack Obama in conjunction with Hillary Clinton allowed the military to collapse unable to win the Jihadist war.

The White Woman of America can no longer be persuaded so government force and economic pressures are being applied by Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Unjust and indifferent the Clinton administration will force the Women of America to re-distribute their meager wealth to the lower classes that refuse to work or become educated.

The family is being destroyed by the government and shall become extinct in your town as the family is being replaced by some units of measure.  The schools are operated by the government, the children are fed by the government so therefor the art of civilization and the rights of parents will become illegal.

Obama and Clinton have already proved that they will use savage force of the government; ObamaCare, ObamaTrade, ObamaIran, ObamaBenghazi, ObamaIRSLerner, ObamaJonnathanGruber, ObamaFastandFurious and now ObamaClimateChange and hundreds of other anti-American government plans.

Once you are weakened you are doomed.

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