Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Political Republican Power Brokers Order Jeb Bush and Rubio to TAKE OUT DONALD TRUMP TONIGHT on Fox News Regardless of What it Takes

There will be a planned attempt to take Donald Trump out tonight.  The plan is for Jeb Bush and little Marco Rubio and other lessor men to appear spontaneous as they attack Donald Trump from all sides. 

FOX NEWS Presidential Debates, Big Money, Big Business, Big Media, Big Unions, Big Government donors have ordered little people like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio to destroy Donald Trump tonight during the Fox News Presidential debates. 

The Republican Party wants Donald Trump gone and they want him gone tonight.  The so-called political specialists understand that Donald Trump has abandoned their failed Republican thoughts and actions and plans on leading America back to law, order and the prosperity of honest Americans.  

The political and cultural paradigm of the American citizen wants Obama gone and Hillary Clinton in Jail and Donald Trump will get the job done.  The big GOP donors want Donald Trump destroyed on stage tonight so the plan is for Jeb and Marco to gang rape him on national T.V. restricted by nothing.

America is again on the edge of a new world and the honest citizen understands that the corrupt GOP won't do the job and they never planned to do the job.  

Watch the show, enjoy the emotional and intellectual clashes but in the end Donald Trump will be standing and you'll be smiling.

Trump will be viciously attacked, its planned.

The American expectations have changed, Obama out, Clinton in Jail, Donald Trump in the White House to clean up the mess and make America great again.

The GOP is living off the past, present and future but their experts are wrong.  The new American Revolution has started with the revolution of new expectations. 

Don't tell us, show us.

Don't just talk, do something.

Criminals belong in jail, where is Lois Lerner of the IRS.

Barack Obama deals with the devil, shut down Iran.

John Kerry is the idiot he has always been, remove him.

Hillary Clinton, take your time with the emails, 20 years to life.

Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, ISIL, removed from the earth, 90 days or less.

Putin go back to Russia because NATO moves into the Ukraine.

Planned Parenthood leadership jailed, save the Negro.

Welfare ends in 6 months, become self-sufficient or starve to death.

ObamaCare is done, money streams away from corruption.

Al Sharpton goes to jail for corruption, with his pal Barack Obama.

The Constitution is the perfect structure, read it, live it, enjoy it forever.

Illegal Aliens boost passenger bus production, jobs created.

Baltimore Mayor removed from office.

Detroit Mayor removed from office.

Philadelphia Mayor removed from office.

Los Angeles Mayor removed from office.

San Francisco Mayor removed from office and jailed.

Sanctuary Cities receive no federal tax dollars for anything.

Corrupt police officials stand before federal judges.

Supreme Court is purged.


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