Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Vester Flanagan is another example of Obama's America - I have something to tell you, it's important. We do not need more gun control. We need more Negro control. It's another world out there, the Obama and Clinton world, and they have guns. You have a dog.

I have something to tell you, it's important.  Silence may be the best policy right now but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, surrounded by armed guards, automatic weapons, invisible guards and vehicles continued their attack on the U.S. Constitution, your right to keep and bear arms.   

You have a dog, Hillary and Barack have armed guards.

You have a six foot fence, Hillary and Barack have tanks and missile launchers.

You have an alarm system, Hillary and Barack have the National Guard.

So What's this B.S. about taking your gun?

Vester Flanagan had a legal gun and he killed some people, because he wanted too.  The big loser Vester Flanagan, a total failure, wanted to kill some White People.  

Every leader in the so-called black terrorist movement inside America told Vester Flanagan to take charge, stand up, for God's sake Vester just do something to get even with the White Man.  You're a gay loser Vester and the White Man is keeping you down to put them down like the dogs they are?

Burn down Ferguson Mo and Baltimore Maryland?

Shoot that cop because he gave you a walking...ticket?

Farrakhan thinks Vester did a great job, you could guess?  

You can be sure Barack Obama thinks of Vester has a brother?
Maybe the stupid White cops should have let him get away, he would still be alive?

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama say we need more gun controls.

The gun didn't do anything, it was black Vester Flanagan.

It was the do nothing but be a victim that killed those two white successful people.

Vester Flanagan, was just marching to orders. 

Vester Flanagan, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama think that we need better gun controls if you have armed guards or a lot of guns.  

The Vester Flanagan that killed those two people was a big gay Obama supporter. 

He was another misguided Negro that was hired because he was black because the government says you gotta hire some Negroes. American business owners have been forced by government to hire Negroes for decades and most of them, really, are the worst employees, late for work, quality problems and people problems, sounds like Vester.

 These two people Hillary and Barack, are criminals so it's like bank robbers saying you need less safes in the world.  

Obama and Clinton are completely corrupt and are cash and carry criminals.  

They give thousands of guns to the Mexican drug cartels (fast and furious) but they don't want you to have a six shooter pistol next to your bed at night.  

Wal-Mart won't sell you an AR-15 rifle, which was invented as a police weapon to save the world, ask your grandfather. 

The idea of gun control was conceived by idiot's and their push to disarm you continues.

The founders of the U.S. Constitution assured that you can jail Obama and Clinton and they cannot have your guns.  If they try and take them you can defend yourself.  Obama and Clinton want everything, your wealth, your property, your freedom of speech, your right to keep and bear arms.  There is no argument, just say no.  No means no.  Go to hell, you don't get my legal gun.  You don't get my savings account and you're going to stop wasting my tax dollars on nut jobs like Vester. 

We do not need more gun control.

We need more Negro control.

Thousand of criminals have been let out of jail.  Thousands of illegal alien criminals roam our streets.  The chances of you getting shot in the head, goes up daily.

Now that you are wide-eyed you can go to your window and look out.  You closed the shutters before you went to bed last night, locked all the doors and made sure your ADT security system was armed and as the sun came up this morning you realized you survived another night in Barack Obama's, Hillary Clinton's, Al Sharpton's, Louis Farrakhan's, Jesse Jackson's, Eric Holder's America.   It seems that if the Negro doesn't kill a local cop daily something is wrong.  Your local news shows you the pictures of last nights criminals and they always seem to be black or brown?

You feel that the Muslim Brotherhood is coming for you and your Christian family so you're looking for the red line of government security around your home and family to protect you.  The Negro does not work because the Negro will not work.  Big business imports cheap slave like labor from Mexico and now they want everything, for free. 

These same people push the Negro to foolishness and violence.  For personal gain they continue their unbelievable comments to enrage the under educated, under employed and under motivated Negroes.  Clinton and Obama do the same thing with brown people, come and get your free stuff, vote for me.  Put the White Ass in his place.  It seems the White Ass only goes to work, feeds his family, pays his taxes and locks his door at night. 

The Donald Trump Great Wall of Freedom sounds better every day.  We can export the illegal aliens back to Mexico and fence off the Negroes in urban areas and keep them safe with welfare systems.  If they get hungry they get mean.  If they don't get rich they sell drugs, guns and girls.  They can all change their Christian names to Islamic Jihadist names as they make babies and culture problems. 

Now that the sun is up you can go out to your garden and sit behind your six foot tall fence and admire your property.  You have a fence and a sizable dog waiting to bite the strangers because believe it, the whispering of hate from the White House and the Hillary Clinton machine means cash and political power, so you being shot in the head is just the cost of power and influence.  Remember Benghazi, a little blood in the sand is good for business so just hide and destroy the private secret computer email server and keep reaching for more power.

With a sense of relief you survived the night but as the sky's darken tonight you go back inside your secure home, making sure your gun is beside the bed, listening for footsteps and the barks from your dog.

There is no hope in Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

If you're not prepared to believe it, leave your front door open tonight.

It's another world out there, the Obama and Clinton world, and they have guns.

You have a dog.

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