Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, August 14, 2015

Negro Eugenics Planned Parenthood Baby Parts How Do You Eliminate the Feeble Minded Negro? The Negro Project named Planned Parenthood

Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood would have considered Barack Obama and Al Sharpton two feeble Negroes? The particularly harrowing and evil business of selling murdered baby's body parts has a name and it's Planned Parenthood.  As the night gets darker the butchers inside Planned Parenthood cuts deals with buyers.  The baby body parts are cash money in the right hands and it doesn't have a bad name like the coal industry.  You can kill off a few hundred thousand Negroes every year, sell off the parts and make a good buck, so the story goes.  

Now Barack Obama, the first and last Negro President of the United States, forces Americans to pay more for energy, stop asking about the Benghazi murders, stop the probing into the Iran Nuclear deal and other mentions but he says nothing about the wholesale murdering of Negroes, paid for by the government.

Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama believe in the hard work of Planned Parenthood and the Republicans are too cowardly to stop the butchering.

Perhaps the gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as ‘the feeble minded;’ speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women….Also the notorious ‘Negro Project’ which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice.

In 1921, Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which in 1942 underwent a name change to become Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Many of the group’s founding directors were actively involved in the “eugenics” movement, which held that certain classes or colors of people were “lesser” and “unfit” for humanity and shockingly should be eliminated. Included in these targeted “unfit” groups were black Americans (another group included was people with disabilities).

In addition to eugenics involvement, one founding director, Dr. Lothrup Stoddard, wrote a book, “Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy.”

Perhaps the hardest fact to take in is that under Margaret Sanger’s leadership, the organization created a program called the “Negro Project,” which involved strategically seeking to decrease the black population by convincing black community leaders to introduce birth control to their networks.

About the project, Margaret Sanger was once quoted as saying, “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

She also spoke at Ku Klux Klan meetings.

Fast-forwarding to 2015, sadly, today, black Americans are aborted at a highly disproportionate rate.

Making up only 13 percent of the population, this group makes up a staggering 36 percent of the nation’s abortions.

In certain areas such as New York City, a black baby is more likely to be aborted than carried to term.

In the words of the pastors:

Perhaps the gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as ‘the feeble minded;’ speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women….Also the notorious ‘Negro Project’ which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice.
As the undercover videos continue to be made public one after the other, it is likely that Americans will continue to discover many unseemly truths about Planned Parenthood’s origins.


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