Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, August 24, 2015

Stock market is oozing and it's starting to smell - Wall Street Dumps - Hillary Ducks for Cover - Donald Trump's Enlightenment Grows Across America the Great

Stock Dump.  You might think of Wall Street as a giant money machine with pulleys, cables, pipes, chains and vaults filled with gold and cash but that's never been true.  The American Stock Market under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others has been gasping for a real breath for almost seven years now.  The federal reserve uses the saved money of millions of hard working people to almost give away to banks, big business, big unions and big government to create part-time, low paying, illegal alien infested jobs as the real savers of money receive no interest income.

Now, the stock market is oozing and it's starting to smell as Wall Street takes major hits from reality and the helmeted bankers and rich people duck for cover.  The glistening steps at the White House are very slippery as Barack Obama plays golf the United States is truly burning down to the ground. 

China, the Communist Yellow Menace has collapsed.

America, the Wall Street Miracle based on Corruption is over.

Middle East, the Oil Wells are Pumping but dazed with $40 oil.

Unemployment, 94 million people stay at home.

Job, Part-Time, Low Paying Service Jobs grow.

G.M., Build the Buick in China.

Illegal Aliens, Living off the Free Welfare State.

All Lives Matter, Except Black according to Planned Parenthood.

Hillary Clinton, the American Middle Class Savages, the Middle Class Revenge.

Iran, Nuclear Missiles slapping the launchers as we speak.

Barack Obama, Sucks at Golf


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