Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton is using a Secret Ear Piece Communications Scrambler experts agree; Hillary Clinton; Hillary Clinton's secret communications are used to defy the main stream media and the American voters.

Hillary Clinton is using a Secret Ear Piece Communications Scrambler experts agree; Hillary Clinton; Hillary Clinton's secret communications are used to defy the main stream media and the American voters.  Many things are coming to surface about Hillary Clinton and one is this secret communications device she uses to gain information from staff during speeches, forums and town hall meetings.  Another is that Hillary Clinton does in fact wear a catheter which started after her concussion and other medical conditions.  Hillary Clinton was asked to comment but when it was filmed that Secret Service Agents have to hold her up during speeches, there is something very wrong, crooked Hillary is failing in all areas and now she's been caught with an ear piece communications device, just like the KGB, CIA, may use...Hillary Clinton is using a Secret Ear Piece Communications Scrambler experts agree; Hillary Clinton; Hillary Clinton's secret communications are used to defy the main stream media and the American voters.

Hillary Clinton has been caught using an ear piece that contains one way communications and electronic scientists have confirmed.  Hillary Clinton wears an ear piece that is a tiny radio wifi communications device to receive prompts and answers from staff members which remain out of site.  The Hillary Clinton ear piece has been photographed more than once and she used it last night during the NBC Commander in Chief town hall type forum.  Her staff can transmit secret voice commands directly to Hillary Clinton with almost full assurance that it can only be received by Hillary Clinton.  The scrambler ear piece worn by Hillary Clinton is similar to devices worn  by Secret Service agents so when you hear a Hillary Clinton answer it's just a staff member giving her answers right out of the playbook with some ingenious electronic tricks.  Hillary Clinton Busted. 

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