Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Road To A Donald Trump White House goes right through Mexico City, the land of senoritas, drug cartels, government corruption, bribes and bull fights.

The Road To The White House goes right through Mexico City, the land of senoritas, drug cartels, government corruption, bribes and bull fights.
Donald Trump, looking way past the horizon pierced Hillary Clinton's diplomatic resume and experience by having an eye to eye meeting with the Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
The cloud covered history of Hillary Rodham Clinton does nothing for the honest romantic American citizen because she has been found to be dishonest, deceitful, corrupt and insincere about most things.
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has allowed millions of Mexicans to leave their impoverished quaint little villages of corruption and cross the U.S. border to enjoy  welfare bathing in Obama's welfare state.
The once inaccessible land of the free and the brave was left unguarded for decades and now our border cities are in ruins, drug cartel thugs sit at lunch counters, murder is common and Mexican whores run rampant as Islamic Radical Jihadists sneak across the U.S. border unchecked and then hiding in sanctuary cities that shelter and feed them.
The American people have said enough so the scenery for the illegal alien has changed and Hillary Clinton never noticed.  Big Business, Big Government, Big Media and Big Banks want the slave type labor offered up by the uneducated Mexican Wetback to increase profits and hold the Negro back from prosperity for decades to come.  Trading Black for Brown slaves has been going on for decades as even Jeb Bush brought an illegal alien Wetback to America to offer her marriage and America for free.
There is a new road in America and it's coast to coast and Donald Trump is paving it for free.
Donald Trump's new prosperity road is a spectacular highway of law and order and it will be the scenic wonder of the world.
No more hair-raising shoot outs by illegal aliens or other criminal activity.  Donald Trump's extraordinary trip to Mexico City is the ideal example how Trump's skill can change the foreign atmosphere that political elites like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others use to raise hundreds of millions of dollars making back door deals that are against the American citizens.
Trump can make Mexico the ideal neighbor and friend that they should be with America as Hillary Clinton is caught again within her own lying trap as she used to scream for border walls and deportation, just like she used to wave the Dixie Confederate Battle Flag the ultimate insult to all Negroes.
In the pre winter's chill of this November the Honest American Citizen will vote to remove the political elites just like Hillary Clinton from our government forever.
Soon the people will destroy the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton's as they try and speed away from the truth and the emails that tell the story of corruption.
Hillary Clinton has already crested and her failure looms ahead as the panorama of her crimes is being exposed every day.  Hillary Clinton will not have an easy descent and some Old Mexican Jail would be a perfect place for her to spend the night, and then another.

You can now hear the parrots screech.. from their Sierra Madres perches... "lock her up"  "lock her up" as Hillary Clinton hides in one of her plantation mansions.

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