Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Donald Trump Gotcha Questions CNN Hugh Hewitt The slow moving black cloud of Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Jeb Bush Socialism Communism Marxism

The Gotcha Question Tactic's no longer work in America. the old media game of Gotcha Questions.  The so called radio host Hugh Hewitt shot out some gotcha questions to Donald Trump to make the point the Billionaire didn't know the evil players of Islamic Muslim Brotherhood Radicals that have the support of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. 

Hugh Hewitt, trying to improve his slow moving career shot cocked up questions to Donald Trump which just proves that people have stopped the game playing and back Donald Trump because we want our country back.  American's are fed up with media and the established political elites like Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Joe Biden, Marco Rubio and all the others.   Like a slow moving black cloud these people have covered America with shame and socialism.  Nobody cares if Donald Trump knows all the evil Muslim bastard names, he will get them, and their lives will be ended. 

CNN is set to stage the next presidential debate which are not debates at all.  They are gotcha questions drawn up by CNN to help Hillary Clinton and save the depressed image of the first American tyrant Barack Obama.  FOX News through Megyn Kelly did the same thing as the main stream media is simply big business and cares about cash money ratings and not America.  CNN is little more than a shell company, living off the system of cable networks and no viewers.  Hugh Hewitt, will be one of the moderators of the CNN debate which proves it's a joke as Iran builds Nuclear weapons CNN goes for ratings. 

CNN and Fox News should be working on gotcha Hillary Clinton and help honest Americans slam the cell doors.

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