Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, September 7, 2015

Hillary Clinton could not sleep and she could not work. Hillary Clinton with her head cocked looked at the latest poll numbers, she was thinking about Monica again, not too productive but interesting, The cock sure Bill Clinton has ruined her life

Hillary Clinton with her head cocked looked at the latest poll numbers with that fierce attention that creates fear in other people.  Donald Trump was winning every race and skilfully would become president of the United States.

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Whore for President

Monica Lewinsky the girl with a blue dress off

Impeached President Bill Clinton

Unmoving Bill Clinton just sat there and poured another DNC free drink as he studied Hillary from across the room.  The bitch was mad, there was no doubt she didn't understand the market of voters.  Donald Trump knew how to market, get to the root needs of people and give them solutions, there was no doubt he was winning. 

Hillary could never understand the complex system of elections and now for the first time she realized that the secret computer email server and Benghazi scandals changed everything for the worse.

Hillary could not sleep and she could not work.  The old mare was stuck in the mud as Hillary Clinton looked up when she heard the midnight chimes.  Bill rose and climbed through the bedroom window and crossed into the garden making his way back to the guest house in the back.  The starless cloudy sky made it darker than normal but Bill Clinton unlatched his guesthouse door and tiptoed back to his bedroom.

Monica was waiting and even though uninvited Bill dropped his pants and without any sound of acceptance from her pulled her panties down.  His hands moved over her nude body as he stiffened already forgetting Hillary across the garden inside the main house of the mansion.  He had discovered that she was easily forgotten as he appraised Monica's tit's as they both studied his cock projecting little strength but at least the image of sexual friendship and generosity that Monica always appreciated.

Bill was hunched over Monica and grasping for her body when Bill heard the loose jaw of Hillary behind him.  Powerfully she showed Monica her dildo gift and moved Bill out of the way as the noise of the women drowned out Bills protest with his cock in his hand.

With Hillary dancing up and down, up down, down and up Bill gestured that he wanted to help but the girls were too busy to notice as the teeming pod left him behind.

His pointer sat waiting and Hillary raised her clammy breasts to Monica's lips as Bill started to yawn before he went to sleep.


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