Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Harvard pollster got another assignment. Part Two Hot News from Oval Office Hillary Clinton Throws Fit at Barack Obama "Slavery is like a flytrap, it's the same as lying, you always get caught. Hillary Clinton and Harvard University and her Private Underground Secret Email Server while at State

Some may remember this story, it was never published as expected in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal but the stillness of their printing presses tells the story very clearly and very loudly. Now we know that Hillary Clinton got into a fight with Barack Obama, inside the Oval Office at the White House concerning her secret underground shadow government computer email server.  Hillary knows that Barack Obama wants Joe Biden to carry his flame of progressive socialism and not Hillary.

The tobacco smoke had been cleared from the room before Hillary Clinton was scheduled to arrive.  The room wasn't cleared out because of fondness it was all done out of fear as the group became silent watching the clock, watching the road, waiting on the column of black S.U.V's carrying Hillary Clinton to upstate Maine to have a private meeting with the Harvard Professor Dorothy Sanger Long

The advance team for Hillary Clinton spent millions of taxpayer dollars keeping her happy and what the U.S. taxpayer couldn't pay the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation paid the rest.  Two billion dollars of mostly foreign money was stashed away with Bill and Hillary the only two human beings with signature cards.  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are Billionaires.  Donald Trump earned his and Hillary Clinton sold American government influence and secrets for her.  Dorothy Sanger Long,  the almost famous Harvard Professor knew all about Hillary and Bill as they hired her almost constantly for the last twenty years. 

The story began a few day's ago as the Harvard Professor accepted the polling assignment task from the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.  This was a secret just like the shadow government emails found by the FBI on the wiped Clinton server.  

Why was Donald Trump winning and could Hillary Clinton take him down.  Did Carly have any chance at all in beating Donald Trump, so many questions and they were willing to pay for the answers, would Ben Carson fall off the cliff?

At her makeshift desk in her living room she ponderously thought about the 12 questions that could discover the amazing following of Donald Trump.  The Harvard Professor was well known inside the DNC Democratic Party and even the White House.  Dorothy also had a bonus poll question to ask at least 1,200 registered voters.  Question 13 was really big and really out of the norm but Dorothy thought the question would answer the most important questions about Donald Trump.  She called it the cash question.  If Hillary Clinton wanted the results, she would have to write another check. 

Dorothy had a way with words, that created the exact questions to get the exact response Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and even Jeb Bush wanted.  During the presidential campaign season money flowed and she could easily earn a million dollars, one poll at a time.  You can lead people to think certain things at certain times which means you can almost control the response.  Document the results, toss into her graphing software and cash the check.  Her pollster business was booming and her checkbook had been expanding for years.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton and others had sent their operatives to buy her time and get her help.  Cash and Carry were always the terms as even Karl Rove called her last week, needing some schooling about polling the American voters. Karl was having some trouble calculating how the GOP could defeat Donald Trump because their idea about using FOX News debates failed, and failed big. 

Nothing made sense this time around.  Donald Trump was winning big and the so-called RNC GOP elite Jeb Bush was stuck in the mud, Hillary Clinton might go to jail, everything upside down that had to be sorted out, what were people thinking?   If you understand what people are thinking you know what they may do under certain circumstances.  Now that the insiders at the FBI have confirmed that the deleted Clinton emails are being recovered Hillary Clinton was having a fit.

Dorothy knew that people became what they thought about and what they think about drives all their actions.  Her polling was so good it was always published in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal the L.A. Times and seemingly every blog in the world.  The T.V. hounds at CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and even FOX News would show her numbers, she was big time. 

She was a little cold as the weather turned chilly in upstate Maine so her hand was shaking as she looked at the check payment from the Clinton Foundation.  It was a lot of money so she held the check for a while in some intimate way that made it hers alone.

This was not her first foundation assignment but this was the first $100,000 check that demanded a quick turnaround time.  In a rush they had contacted her and wanted a rush job and willing to lay out cash money, she had 24 hours to start and finish, maybe she should put down the check and get started.  It was the first day of fall and it was cold outside but her fireplace kept her old bones cozy. 

She had bumped a few other customers out of the way to put this Clinton work first so one hundred thousand dollar wasn't that bad of a price, the Clinton foundation has a lot of cash and many say millions more arrive every week.

She wondered what Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Susan Rice really wanted and she also wondered if Barack Obama knew about her secret work for the Clinton Foundation trying to backdoor the President, Joe Biden and most importantly Donald Trump.  Insiders know that Hillary and Barack don't get along and Michelle Obama hates Hillary, most likely more than Oprah.  Dorothy was focused and she worked non-stop.

Hillary was having a lot of trouble turning away from her past deeds and they were many but to her knowledge they have never written a bad check. Rumors had it that Sanders the Socialist was kicking her ass and Bill Clinton was still whoring around while Hillary was on the road running for President.  In the mean time, Donald Trump was saving America. 

Donald Trump was in the middle of a feud with FOX News as Megyn Kelly hurt his feelings and Bill O'reilly pissed him off.  Donald Trump had no problem kicking a chair out from under some talking head at CNN or Fox News, in fact he enjoyed battle.

Was Barack in the know about these secret Hillary Clinton polls?  Did Valerie Jarrett, Samantha Summers, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of them understand the secret polling being requested to jump start Hillary Clinton?  

John Boehner the Republican cry baby called her yesterday and wanted some work done but she had to tell him no for now.  She had told John that another client had bought up the next couple of days and they had prepaid for a very specific result.

Now her eyes rested on her old manual keyboard, of a real typewriter, it was the place where she would type the 12 questions and that one bonus question that could produce another Harvard Presidential Poll.

 Producing positive results for Hillary Clinton and her den of what-evers could create a great fall income.   Dorothy didn't like the Clinton's and she never liked Barack Obama but oddly enough she did her most powerful work for the people she didn't like much so working for Hillary was nothing new. 

She had noticed that Michelle Obama had trouble with her vowel sounds which always bothered the Harvard English teacher but most of all Michelle was hiding her past from Americans, just like her husband.  

Political Consulting and Polling was a great business for a Harvard Professor and the hotel was full down the road waiting for her results, they only gave her 24 hours.  

For $100,000 she would work late and perfect the questions that would point the answers and the voters to Hillary Clinton for president.  

Once the poll results were released the main stream media would push the content, always desperate for news that created a solid narrative for Hillary Clinton.  

Donald Trump wanted to make America Great Again so this survey poll had to produce a better result than the last one.  

How in the world did a Real Estate Billionaire White guy become the front runner in the Presidential elections in the socialist progressive era in America?

What made millions of American's flock to the real estate, hotel and builder?  

How could Hillary Clinton defeat the bastard? 

After the last presidential debate Donald Trump took a dip and Hillary Clinton thought there was some negative magic, even though black magic.  The Muslim slip up on Donald Trump's part caused him to drop in the polls and the Clinton's smelled blood as they needed the help dodging Black Lives Matter, Muslim Brotherhood and of course the blank email secret server that the FBI has now recovered.  The DOJ position by Lynch was going to be a big deal, bigger than Benghazi so Hillary was frantic and afraid. 

Donald Trump didn't make any comments when the nut job during live T.V. asked Donald about the Muslim president Barack Obama and the detention centers that FEMA operates this very day.  

Donald Trump, without doing anything, fell through the trap door.  Even at CBS, using 60 minutes, they wanted a pound of Trump Ass on a platter but, something wasn't right even when Donald Trump might have acted in error by saying nothing. There was something really big in America and it had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush but everything to do with Donald Trump - the deal maker. 

The Harvard Professor looked up to the skylight over her desk and the dark sky reminded her that it was two fifty in the morning.  It was going to be a very long day. Governor Walker had just quit the campaign, she hoped his last check wouldn't bounce, he had been a customer for a long time. 

There was no noise in her home except she could hear her white and black cat scratching at her food bowl and wanting some warmth and pets.  Rubbing her palms together she placed her fingers on the keyboard and typed the first presidential poll question;

It was truly a million dollar question;

What is Donald Trump afraid of?

As the moon went down the sun came up and the distracting noise from her cat went away a long time ago.  She looked across the room and noticed that the fire had gone out a long time age, she hadn't even noticed except for a slight chill in the air. 

She got up from her chair and looked out the front window and noticed one of the Clinton security guards sitting on her north fence, most likely a sober Secret Service guy with big arms and a big gun.

She wondered if the guard wanted coffee as she wandered into the kitchen and struck a match to her grandfathers old gas stove that was still clinging to life after forty some years. Her home was well over a hundred and thirty years old and had a few cracks here and there but her great grandfathers homestead was the place of her birth and she called it home. 

Her grandfather had been overburdened with stories of the past and he shared all of them with his granddaughter over the years.  He would tell the story and she would transcribe them as she got older, it was the background for her first published book as a Harvard Professor over thirty years ago. 

She needed a good nap but she had written the 12 polling questions and as if she heard her grandfathers voice whispering in her ear she paused to look at his portrait hanging in the dining room.  

He would teach her many things in her early years but his teaching and her learning never stopped.  Even now at seventy three years old she still chatted with her grandfather now gone for many years.  

He would tell her " you don't understand how it was in those days Dorothy"  "they told  us where to sit, where not to stand, where to work and even where to eat"  

"it was in that state of mind Honey that the black folks like me said enough was enough" 

"when you have had enough the dribbling stops and the shooting begins"  and always to her astonishment he roamed through history with her and proved every point he was making.  

He told the stories of the run-a-way slaves hiding with the Indians during the trail of tears and the settlements and black only towns in Oklahoma, the place where his grandparents had been born as he would pause and tell me their names.

"Shall we go to the park Dorothy?"  and often times he would just walk outside and expected me to follow, which she always did as he continued to teach her.

"Slavery is prehistoric Honey"  "Strong men held the weak men down"  "Slavery had nothing to do with color, it was about brute force and it became overgrown and spread all over the world, including the Kingdoms inside the Islamic Nations" 

"Slavery is like a flytrap, it would grab you and hold you until you grew tired and surrendered"  "In time the screams were not heard, the sound of pain disappeared and the slave masters became stronger than before"  

"this is why you must learn Dorothy and learn that appearance is a simple shield that people spray on in the morning and wash off at night"  "The slaves always rise up and kill their masters"  "The slaves rub their hands together and make plans just like the slave masters"  The slaves huddle together just like their masters"  

The Harvard Professor understood that the Hillary Clinton wardrobe would never get her elected.  She was a mistake just like her husband, the impeached Bill Clinton.  

The American voters had put up with half-truths long enough, illusions about equality and peace on earth by allowing open border and millions of illegal aliens inside America,  and the embellishments about ObamaCare, Iran Nuclear deals, Syria, Soviet Russia and down right lies about everything like Lois Lerner IRS, Johanthan Gruber her M.I.T. pal from seminars and a host of others.   

The American slaves were rubbing their hands together and they were going to kill the masters. The American way of killing was to vote them out or if in a really big hurry impeach the bastards. 

She wanted to sleep but she poured two cups of hot coffee and walked outside into the cold air and toward the white skinned guard.  It would have been funny to her grandfather that a white guard was guarding and old black Harvard professor to help a White Privileged Hillary Clinton to get elected, at least she hoped he would have found the humor in all the reality of America.

The hot coffee was offered and a feeling of triumph for the both of them as they drank their steaming coffee and watched their breath make fog around them.  

She bent down and picked up the cigarette butt he had tossed into her grass during the long night and smiled at him.  Even in the half light she could see him smile with a sorry look on his face as a car pulled up to the fence and three men got out.

As an English Teacher at Harvard University her punishment was to listen to the poor choice of words coming from the lead man from the security car.  

"Freaking too cold out here!"  the security team leader had been hidden all night inside the warm motel down the road had suddenly discovered the cold air.  Dorothy was not really listening to him but she was forming a true fascination with his mastery of the English language. 

He was also shedding ash from his cigarette that was a constant agitation as he continued to brush ash off his jacket and shoes while he spoke to his guard.

"This ain't ushering Dizzy!"

"What's the doctor doing outside!"

The Harvard professor noticed the security team leader toss his cigarette in her grass and also noticed her coffee friend pick it up instantly.

Shifting around the professor turn away and walked back to her home as they were all waiting for Hillary Clinton now as minor and insignificant players in her life.

The sudden intrusion of the security team leader upset Dorothy and it was a shame she couldn't finish her coffee with the night time guard, even now she worried that he was in trouble because she was outside.

This place called home was built in 1879 by her great grandfather given to her grandfather and then her father and now her.  The railway bridge was only about fifty yards away so she grew up with cows and train whistles and the dramatic river marked the other side of the farm.  The old barn was feeling a lot of pain but the red paint made it look a lot better but the home was in fine shape for its age.


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