Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, September 4, 2015

You are merely meat for the government butcher. The government house is burning. You have been swallowed by the progressives. The Constitution is in shambles.

Sitting on a black throne like chair, Barack Obama fuels the fire of Black Lives Matter that is burning across America, by saying nothing. But you must realize that Barack Obama, the first Negro President of the United States is not sitting alone, on stools surrounding him he has his followers like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others, saying nothing about the radical Negro destruction and murdering across America.

They all look like their sitting on toilets as their unsavoury ideas have destroyed an entire nation.  Black Lives Matters is just another Negro protest movement as they raise their hands in anger you can see them holding guns.  They are unclean, uneducated, unmotivated, unemployed and all are on government welfare.

Black Lives Matter is excrement as their nostrils flare they want to kill white people and white cops as their hate grows in earnest Barack Obama does nothing.  He sits on his black throne, laughing at the white middle class as he enjoys the grime of violence and lawlessness inside his government.

This problem can only be solved by exposing the shadow government of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and all the others.  Yes, they are secret computer servers, top secret deals and taxpayer money paying bribes and killing people.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have been cursed by God as they live in precarious security and plundered the wealth of the entire nation.  The Negro has fallen into the routine of violence and poverty, helped along by progressive democrats and their eccentric ways of welfare, obamacare, free phones and section eight housing.

You are paying for the violence and street crime.  You feed the criminals that roam the streets and patch up their gun shot wounds at emergency rooms.  It's odd that only one man is strong enough to point and shout and his name is Donald Trump.

He has reached down to help you stand up.  You can be free and happy again and become stronger through law and order, right and wrong, work and profit but the throne sitters like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and others as simply too grimy to help America.  They like the millions of illegal alien slaves from Mexico.  They are afraid to stop the violence blighted Negro's and Wetbacks and only gives speeches and advice with no real planning or action steps.

The government house is burning.

You have been swallowed by the progressives.

The Constitution is in shambles.

You are merely meat for the government butcher.

Stand up.

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