Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Israel, the night was filled with Israeli F-16 warplanes last night - Israel Bombed Iran - America Bombed Israel - Jordan Under Attack - Putin in Syria - Saudi Arabia launches F-16's White House Barack Obama situation room

Israel, the night was filled with Israeli F-16 warplanes last night running their mock airstrikes against the Iranian Nuclear Weapons sights already discovered and confirmed.  

Barack Obama has allowed the Iranian Islamic Jihadist menace to proceed to a nuclear bomb within the next 60 days or so.  Barack Obama, over his many years has allowed the Iranian Islamic Muslim Jihadists to proceed without ever even attempting to stop them, except by talking points of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and always Barack Obama.  Barack Obama has failed the world because he is a coward and was not willing to fight to save millions of people, now Israel stands alone and they're willing to die.  Now Hillary Clinton say's she would bomb Iran as she struggles to explain her secret underground government emails that hold thousands of secrets. 

Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Kerry have allowed the Iranians to build their nuclear weapons program over the last six years, doing nothing, just like North Korea the Iranian Islamic Muslim Jihadist Menace will have a nuclear bomb within days if they don't have one already.   The middle east war has started.

The GOP Congress has done little to stop Iran except talk as the radical Barack Obama has no plans to stop Iran, but seems willing to help them destroy Israel.  The Republican's were granted power by the American people but the Republicans are afraid and their eulogy will include the destruction of America.

Israel is staging these mock airstrikes to get ready for the real battle that must take place in a matter of weeks.  Israel understands that Barack Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical jihadist groups so they stand alone.  The Israeli general knew that with a simple touch of a button these training bomb runs could become real in a matter of seconds, he sat alone, looking at the red button on his control panel. 

The Israeli air force general sat alone in the pine paneled room and watched the fighter jets move through air defense networks set up by Barack Obama always protecting Iran and their nuclear weapon factories.  

The parent of freedom, America, was now trying to kill their own child of freedom, Israel.  
Jesus was a Jew and the general was remembering that Matthew, Mark and John were also Jew's and even Luke even though he was born a gentile.  This summer has been difficult and the Israeli air force had launched twenty nine f-16 fighters and before him the computer screens revealed real time information. 

He would never have thought that the American made F-16 fighters would have to avoid American surface to air missile systems to strike against Iran.  Uncontrollably Barack Obama has moved to help Iran despite the wishes of the American citizens so as the Israeli fighters approached Iran it was difficult for the air force general to look at his multiple screens providing real time information.

The Israeli general could only imagine the noise inside the F-16 fighter jets as he knew their missile warning systems were blaring and glaring red lights warning of the U.S. missiles being locked on them at this very second.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry had laid a heavy security blanket over Iran and Putin added even more defense systems.  Soviet Russia filled Iran with surface to air missiles and Syria was now getting full military support from Putin.  Barack Obama, not very curious had most likely started World War III as he moans around Washington D.C. about the oppression of Negroes, while allowing hundreds of thousands of innocent people inside Syria to die at the hands of Assad.   

America had not learned it's lessons from World War II as Barack Obama was truly another Stalin, Hitler or Mao and the rituals of his power were now seen by the world.

The Israeli f-16 fighter jets flowed effortlessly for a great distance but now all the alarms were sounding as the Israeli air to ground missiles would be within range of the many Iranian nuclear plants in minutes.

The general felt calm but concerned as he closed his eyes and pressed the red button on his control panel. Everything was quiet around him but he knew that he just ordered every Israeli fighter jet to go live, arm their missiles and strike the Iranian nuclear plants.

The nightmares have started and he knew the brave pilots were about to mix their blood with Obama's spiteful hate of Israel but the job had to be done.  Iran has promised to kill every Israeli citizen and rid the world of jews.  

This was not a Christmas play, this was war.

The wind blew strongly as the first Israeli missile struck it's Iranian target and the whistling of the second missile could not be heard.

The printer inside the Generals private office started printing the real time war news as it started coughing up thrilling reports of direct hits on Iran.  The generals door was opened and his staff took their places as the Israeli war room was now filled and a strange feeling of relief filled the general.  Maybe the real thing was easier.

Openly, rudely and crudely, Israel made the first strike as American missile systems started taking out the Israeli fighter jets protecting Iran.

The Israeli General's daughter was one of the fighter pilots now striking against Iran and he just knew she would come back.

What has Barack Obama done?

Tens of thousands of children will die as their parents watch and push buttons.

Israel cannot turn it's cheek this time, they had made that mistake before.

The fisherman's eyes saw what he reported directly back to Israel and the staff read the live report to the general.   Real people positioned were offering their live battle reports.

The faraway Israeli fisherman had been posted many weeks before to provide real time human intelligence if Israel did bomb Iran so the intimate reports were flowing. 

American fighter jets were heading to Israel to strike back.

The general understood now, the secret deals of Barack Obama, no wonder the American people or Congress were never to find out.

The reality too strange to really understand because American fighters would be bombing Israel in about twenty seven minutes.  

The sun light would be shinning soon even has American missile systems based in and around Iran were now shooting down Israeli fighter F-16's.

Supposedly Israel would survive until the afternoon, it all depended how hard Barack Obama bombed Israel and Jordan as American fighters filled the Middle Eastern skies.

Briskly, Barack Obama was killing.



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