Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, September 7, 2015

Hillary Clinton became frantic, oddly wanting more punishment, nearly hysterical now and her skin dusty she was almost exhausted as her mind went wild.

Hillary Clinton pulled her shorts down and pushed them below her ankles. Hillary Clinton then  grabbed her ankles as she bent down in front of her Black Lives Matter supporters with her nakedness so unexpected.  

She told Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder, Susan Rice and all the others that she would do anything as they all looked on.  Hillary was so humbly revealed but many were repelled by her naked ass and for a few seconds you could hear nothing.  They were all silent and ashamed for Hillary Clinton as it was clear that Hillary had been beaten as her breathing changed to almost desperate.  

The first stroke was almost like a rifle shot and then came the second.  You could not see the young mans face clearly but it looked almost like Jesse Jackson Jr. as he crossed into the threshold of violence from sex.  Hillary didn't flinch, proving at least for the moment that she had been there before as he was cutting into her ass.

Each of the men lined up were promised six strokes, no more and no less as Hillary's body began to bruise like being pained by a red black brush.  Out of fear and pity most turned away even though this was justice for Hillary's white privilege life and wealth.  She had always taken everything from the Negro as surely she should would survive her latest copulation for a vote and a buck. 

Many became frightened and their eyes wide and Hillary became frantic, oddly wanting more punishment, nearly hysterical now and her skin dusty she was almost exhausted as her mind went wild. 

She started screaming for Bill, and oddly he watching from the kitchen window, waiting for the sexual beating to end as he had decided not to stop them as she was not the innocent grandmother that wiped the computer email server clean.

With fierce attention he watched as the others did and appraised her every move wondering if Hillary Clinton would ever acquire any meaning at all.

She had been careless as she was now propped up against a large concrete planter as the men filled her basket.


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