Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, September 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton and Negro Project 2016, “Project 2016” is a white paper that sets out the case for slavery reparations She plans on giving the Negro snacks and promising a big meal later because it worked with Obamacare and the illegal Iran Nuclear Bomb deal.

“Project 2016” is a white paper that sets out the case for slavery reparations to be paid by taxing U.S. citizens.  The Hillary Clinton Negro Mutation called slave reparations is in the bag of tricks for the Hillary Clinton Campaign for President of the United States.  

Without using any complete pages of History Hillary Clinton knows that she can again fool the Negro into thinking that the U.S. Government will give them Trillions of dollars in U.S. Taxpayer cash.  This scheme has been tried several times when LBJ Lyndon Johnson started promising the Negro great wealth with no intention of ever delivering on the promise.  It's a tactic of the progressive socialists, promise anything to get power.  She continues to promise Negro's anything they want to hear, including the radicals of Black Lives Matter - which is in direct conflict of Planned Parenthood killing millions of Negro's over the years. 

As the printed sheets fall from printers across the United States the Secret Project 2016 Slave Reparations Plan have been leaked. The Islamic Negro Radical Louis Farrakhan has even pushed the POPE to help claim North American Slave Reparations on behalf of all the Negroes inside America.  The idea is to again pump the un-educated, un-motivated and non-working Negro's into a position where they must vote for Hillary Clinton the progressive socialist that believes in a centralized government.  Barack Obama is also for Negro Slave Reparations but his image is diminishing so quickly very few people will sell their future to support the Islamic radical president. 

Hillary Clinton is aware that the FBI in time will leak the Secret Email's found on her private underground illegal server, pointing to criminal charges against her.  Her best defense is offense so the provisions of the Secret Project 2016 Negro reparations should do the trick as the pages are dripping to the media a little at a time.

She plans on giving the Negro snacks and promising a big meal later because it worked with Obamacare and the illegal Iran Nuclear Bomb deal.

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