Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

She looked puzzled, but after being fuc.ed by the Federal Reserve We owe over 19 Trillion Dollars and we don't have a dime

She looked puzzled, but after being fuc.ed by the Federal Reserve she had little sense of humor.  The Federal Reserve cost American savers — usually older Americans — more than $550 billion per year in lost interest-income so what the fuc. for fuc.s sake?  The Federal Reserve pushed the interest rates down so the Barack Obama progressive socialist government could borrow money, for almost free.  The Federal Reserve also created money, something she could not do.  The bastards created almost four trillion dollars in fake money, destroying everything she had worked so hard for over the years.  She wasn't curious anymore and she had become very hard to surprise so her bitchy comments fell on deaf ears, nobody listened anymore, quietly everybody had a piece of the action, except the savers. 

Banks are super rich and the savers are super poor.  This is Cuba!  Now that we all look like a monkey in a wedding dress, can we get back to work.  She sat on the edge of the bed after her and her pebble eyes were wide open and shining with tears.  Nobody listens to the people any more as she sat staring at her hands.  Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jeb Bush and Marco have no idea how to speak to regular people, it's all a sham and we all got fuc.ed. 

There is going to be a loud explosion when the young people and others that voted for Barack Obama and now Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush or other progressives get the bill.  Zero interest rates fuc.ed everybody that saved a dime.  The trillions of dollars borrowed from Communist bastards like China will have to be paid back by real interest rates.

She had spent years saving every nickle and dime and she was not alone.  Millions of savers had been cheated by the progressive socialist party in America, they had taken everything, distributed the wealth, nothing left for the savers. 

Young taxpayers are going to be fuc.ed by President Barack Obama’s huge government debts when interest rates go back to some normal.   She wiped her face off and started to put her makeup back on, maybe she could pretend to be more attractive as her mascara had stopped running and she pulled her blue dress back on. 

The same banks that facilitated the debt crisis after receiving trillions in Fed bailouts have enjoyed the largest gross profit margins on their borrowing costs in history,”  Barack Obama promised hope and change and Hillary is doing the same, the two lost freaks don't know anything about working and saving, they simply take and spend other peoples money.  She sat there for a while, half dressed, a little crying but she refused to hold the pity she had inside, she walked across the room and turned on the T.V. and there she was, Hillary talking about the middle class with her two billion dollar Clinton Foundation.

But the biggest winner from the Fed’s temporary interest-rate suppression has been President Barack Obama’s apparent financial record. The dramatically lower interest costs for the U.S. Treasury allowed Obama to borrow huge gobs of money without having to direct other funds to pay extra interest payments.

Obama borrowed all the money for free but the people will have to pay it back using real money and real interest rates.  The people are strangers to Hillary and Bill Clinton and Jeb Bush is just another Bush.  We're the audience of their greatness, we're the poor people that plow the fields and now they have stolen everything.

One day, she said out loud, we're going to fuc. them back, some day.


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