Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hillary Clinton is the only White Woman that can make the "Black Lives Matter" radical group black skin blush is almost breathless in her attempt to bury Donald Trump and that rascal Muslim Hating citizen that spoke up during the CNN debate.

Another Hillary Clinton Bomb Explodes.  With her fall wardrobe she finds every mic and talks bad about Donald Trump and that damn citizen that asked Don about the Muslim Brotherhood loving Barack Obama.  Occasionally when she wakes up Hillary makes a comment that might be considered a keeper, but that was way back in the eighties talking about baking cookies.  Like some cloudburst she's going after Donald Trump and helplessly it's all she's got.  

Maybe Donald Trump could have handled it better like in the Soviet Russian Empire or maybe North Korea but the truth be known Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Susan Rice and more know a lot more about Muslim Islamic Radical Jihadist than Donald Trump does as they all chime and clatter about what they would have done.  They shaking the branches, but Donald Trump holds on.

Hillary Clinton is worried about Donald Trump not defending the Muslim Brotherhood radical Barack Obama.  Hillary Clinton is smouldering as her poll numbers are dropping so the Donald Trump CNN debate with the Muslim Islamic Hating citizen is just what she ordered.  Hillary Clinton with her plucked eyebrows and her shiny forehead which is always erratically powdered went after Donald Trump today for not defending the radical Muslim Brotherhood loving Barack Obama. 

Hillary Clinton is the only White Woman that can make the "Black Lives Matter" radical group black skin blush is almost breathless in her attempt to bury Donald Trump and that rascal Muslim Hating citizen that spoke up during the CNN debate.

The people that nursemaid Hillary Clinton would have surely shot the dumb ass if he dared to ask his question of Hillary Clinton and voice his concerns about Muslim's killing Christians and Americans.  Hillary doesn't like to talk about dead Americans and Muslim Islamic Jihadists because that means talking about Benghazi.

As Hillary Clinton walks the spotless floors to get on the local stages to give her stump speech nobody shows up.  Like well tended children voting age citizens don't waste their time with Hillary Clinton but they sure do love Donald Trump.

There is no fondness for Hillary Clinton but people show their hate for her in abundance and they show it by not buying her book, not showing up for dry speeches and show their closeness to Donald Trump.

Powerless to stop the people, Hillary Clinton is lost and her power and influence has been removed, not by one but by millions of people, black, white and Muslim.

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