Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 20, 2014

ISIS Oil Tankers Taliban Five (5) Bergdahl Jihadist Iraq Iran Syria Obama DHS The Washington D.C. racketeers won't be left out, like children they like free candy, the oil money is too tempting and the sovereign states of Iran and Saudi Arabia share with their friends. The Bergdahl Terrorist Swap was just another bartered deal for the Taliban Five. The giant oil tankers illicitly carry ISIS oil but most importantly they carry across the world small fighting groups of Islamic Jihadists troops to foreign countries around the world.

ISIS had been stealing oil for over a year now, stolen oil was the best cash cow in the world and one thing for certain, the President of the United States knew all about it.

ISIS Islamic Jihadists stole more than seven million barrels of oil and hundreds of millions of dollars that was paid in royalties to the Iraq government.

The black gold, oil, is what funds the killers.  The amazing cash flow from Saudi Arabia and Iran fuel both sides of the battle and the U.S. in some unscrupulous and mechanical way enters the war.

The secret money pumps have been flowing for years and the Al-Qaeda Taliban ISIS networks are realizing their Caliphate.  The ISIS will be the all powerful in the new Caliphate, at last, an Islamic State.

The Washington D.C. racketeers won't be left out, like children they like free candy, the oil money is too tempting and the sovereign states of Iran and Saudi Arabia share with their friends. The Bergdahl Terrorist Swap was just another bartered deal for the Taliban Five.  The giant oil tankers illicitly carry ISIS oil but most importantly they carry across the world small fighting groups of Islamic Jihadists troops to foreign countries around the world.

These fighters glide across the oceans and noiselessly enter the United States through the U.S. open southern border, the crooked syndicate, the DHS, must know, that deep inside America these warriors are waiting.

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