Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Saturday, June 21, 2014

IRS DHS NSA FBI CIA, Who has the Lois Lerner IRS emails? Obama Lawyers White House Lawyers have them Lois Lerner IRS emails have been discovered. The IRS email problem concerning Lois Lerner and her illegal actions against the people of the United States has a solution. The IRS BACKS UP their email and other documents, using vendor, SONASOFT, they also brag about the IRS being their customers.

The dime a dozen criminals at the IRS has most likely committed tens of thousands of crimes against the citizens of the United States and we can suggest that Lois Lerner is just the very tiny tip of Criminal White House and Washington D. C. Corruption.  Without the honest services of DOJ,  Eric Holder serves no real purpose, except to fill an Administrative Government Job with an Obama loyalist radical, law enforcement has been hindered. Lois Lerner IRS is starting to get boring as the deeds done at the IRS, losing emails, destroying hard drives and lying to Congress leads right to the West Wing of the White House, maybe the Oval Office of Barry Soetoro aka. Barack Hussein Obama. 

 The IRS Commissioner KosKinen was defiant which most likely means that he thinks he's outsmarted the Congress and the investigators, which was his Obama assignment.  Ryan made it clear, that liars should beware, because the IRS investigation will most likely land Lois Lerner, KosKinen and Obama in serious trouble with the law, resulting in prison terms for their lawlessness.

It's clear that the White House could demand the emails, even through the NSA, the double edged sword what will slay the Obama administration.  With all the scandals, the IRS Constitutional threat against the citizens is the tactics of Communism, Maoism and Socialism.  When you listen to the words of White House spokesman Josh Earnest, you can hear the ghost of Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and other government officials that tried to hold on to their power and free ride.  Now that Jay Carney was forced out due to his Soviet Union Communist Admiration you can look forward to more dumb statements by Josh Earnest echoing the ruler Barack Obama and his attempts to escape the dozens of scandals that have destroyed a nation.

The Secret Services is now watching the NSA and the NSA is now watching the IRS and the IRS is now watching you... what could go wrong?  Putin is watching everybody.

Lois Lerner IRS emails have been discovered.  The IRS email problem concerning Lois Lerner and her illegal actions against the people of the United States has a solution.  The IRS BACKS UP their email and other documents, using vendor, SONASOFT, they also brag about the IRS being their customers.  

That's right, Sonasoft, whose slogan is "email archiving done right" touts the IRS as a customer. According to the website: The world's leading companies rely on Sonasoft products to secure their operational data. Sonasoft's award winning disaster recovery software for Microsoft Servers: SonaVault, SonaExchange, and SonaSQL is known for ease of use and reliability for email archiving, backup, recovery, replication and migration needs.

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