Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Obama Illegal Aliens New Scandal Breaks Open another Obama Lie - Democratic leadership in Congress , wearing a thick black Obama blindfold pretend that their Communist Socialist President is just a victim again. It has been discovered that the Obama Administrative Dictatorship had advertised (January 29th 2014) for help with the illegal aliens, months and months before you learned about the border invasion.

Obama lied again. The illegal aliens arrive in America daily.  Like a snowball it gets bigger and bigger and most agree that enough is enough.  The Barack Obama Administrative Dictatorship offers no assistance in securing the Southern border and he never will.  The latest wave of illegal aliens are mostly children and young women.  These illegal aliens were planned to arrive, that's right, planned.

Democratic leadership in Congress , wearing a thick black Obama blindfold pretend that their Communist Socialist President is just a victim again.  It has been discovered that the Obama Administrative Dictatorship had advertised (January 29th 2014) for help with the illegal aliens, months and months before you learned about the border invasion.

On one hand the government pretends to care about illegal immigration but Obama has lied again.  On January 29th the federal government advertised for help because they had planned on the arrival of thousands of illegal aliens, mostly children.

The company, Federal Business Opportunities displayed ads from the Obama government that they (government) needed help to take care of the expected thousands of illegal aliens.  This of course means Obama knew they were on the way and did nothing to stop the flood of diseased and hungry children.

The DHS Department of Homeland Security has proved to be the joke as ICE is on the border for show purposes only and to change diapers.  When you combine the absolute government power and force of the DHS, ICE, DOJ and the FBI with blinders you can now see that on January 29th 2014 the Obama knew about the flood of illegal aliens

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