Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Thursday, June 19, 2014

White House Oval Office Presidential Schedule National Security Briefing CIA NSA BLM DOJ DOD ATFE ICE IRS report to President Obama, including the newest of Federal Government Department, the NFL, will attend the Oval office meeting today, the NBA was scorned by the White House today for having too many Negro's bouncing the ball as he promised to include the NBA in the future. The CPUSA Communist Party U.S.A. will also attend today's meeting to argue for a major minimum wage increase, mandated by federal law and to help support Wal-Mart and their continued efforts to support Communist China and their millions of slave workers

White House Oval Office Presidential Schedule National Security



 President Obama, 

including the newest of Federal Government Department, the NFL, will attend the Oval office meeting today, the NBA was scorned by the White House today for having too many Negro's bouncing the ball as he promised to include the NBA in the future.  The CPUSA Communist Party U.S.A. will also attend today's meeting to argue for a major minimum wage increase, mandated by federal law and to help support Wal-Mart and their continued efforts to support Communist China and their millions of slave workers.

 Today Obama and his National Security Staff, concerning White House Obama Scandals will have a group reading of "Hard Choices" read to them by the author Hillary Rodham Clinton's book club to bolster retail sales.  Michelle Obama, gaining weight, around the bottom, lays low and seeks out Oprah for slimming down advice.  Also, The Benghazi Killer and Planner at last put down his coffee cup, after two years of watching, and was grabbed up by U.S. forces and put on a slow U.S. Naval Ship, most likely coal fired, and sails to America making several stops to water board the little bastard using Saudi Arabian special forces.  It has been reported that Iran does have a nuclear weapon but John Kerry refuses to comment or explain as he was warned by the President, to act busy, travel a lot and say little to mirror the successful Secretary of State career of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The IRS progressive implant and spy for the White House, Lois Lerner, shows up on Wiki-leaks and Snowden document dumps under a different name to hide her identity and actions.  The now famous missing IRS emails, authored by Lois Lerner MAY  have been stored on the cloud servers at CARBONITE - Google - Mircrosoft - I.B.M.  but several company officials refuse to release over 40,000 emails as each tried to explain, pornographic materials are prohibited by their terms of services so therefore they cannot serve Lois Lerner or her person storage needs.  Nude photos of Michelle Obama at White House Party; White House Lawyers, DOJ, Eric Holder, threatens to sue any cloud storage company that has the Lois Lerner emails as they threaten national security and the honest record of Barack Obama.  AMAZON reports that their new phone offering will include the Lois Lerner emails if you buy the new fire phone before next Tuesday, contract required. 

The armchair strategists, in war and peace always have the better solution but Obama sure has dumbfounded the best minds in America.  You have the liberal left socialists trying their best to spin their boss out of harm's way and the right are devastating the stupid organizer that became President of the United States. Jay Carney has left the White House but it is reported that he left several surprises such as Soviet Union Communist brochures, business cards and flyers.  The Obama White House and Administrative Government struggles to survive Russian Communist Bear Putin as he's again tempted to send more U.S. military forces to their death in Iran, Iraq, Syria to help down play his previous errors and inaction concerning Iran Nuclear war plans, Iraq ISS, Syria WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction, Syria civil war.

President Obama 

Scandals Hit White House Like A Meltdown Bomb - The Progressive Liberal Democratic Socialist Government of Barack Obama Fails The American Test, Again,

Now that Iraq will require some attention, Obama is talking again. There is no doubt now that Obama does not work, does not think, does not maintain the office of the President of the United States.  Any man dumb enough to sit around and do nothing in the Oval office is dumb enough to impeach.  The Bergdahl swap for the Taliban Five was something else.  Now Iraq and the ISIS Al-Qaeda Taliban and of course the IRS losing the Lois Lerner emails.  Now there's more to the IRS scandal, it's Lois Lerner's signature on an IRS tax exempt form, for President Obama's brother.  A family deal, just right with the IRS.  The emails are missing to cover Barack's brothers possible scam.  It's gangland at the White House -Al Sharpton is reported to owe the American People IRS $1.9 million dollars, wonder if MSNBC will report on that.  Jesse Jackson Sr. still has his hand out, looking for companies to bribe him.  Jesse Jackson Jr. sits in prison and wonders about the cold lunch but, Barack Obama and his gang of Czars won't understand the American people until November, when their house comes down. 
Eisenhower had an easier time with his invasion force off Normandy than Obama has trying to hold his administrative socialist government together.  The IRS has lost the Lois Lerner emails but by their own policies she must have hard copies on file.  The open border at Mexico is being invaded by gang members, disease infected, tired and hungry young people but ICE has no power now.  Working for the border patrol is the worst job in America because you get fired, shot at or killed by the wetbacks or the politicians.  The BLM backed off at the Bundy Cattle raid and the NSA still spies on every citizen, all the time, regardless of what they may say.  Putin of Russia and his military operations own Crimea and their looking for more.  Iraq has been invaded by ISIS Al-Qaeda Taliban and damn if Obama didn't send their best five Taliban guys back into battle.  The Fast and Furious investigation will never end but one thing for sure Obama gave guns to drug dealers and drug lord in Mexico.  The Syria problem is getting bigger and hundreds of thousands have been killed in spite of the fake red line Obama drew in the sand.  Hillary Clinton is selling a cheap story inside an expensive book and she left the White House, barely enough money to pay the light bill.  There are so many Obama scandals now that the press doesn't even talk about the EPA and climate change agenda of Barack Obama.  One thing for sure, Obama is living within the perfect storm and chances are he'll go down, down for the count. We have Obama Czars everywhere just like when the Nazis were running around before and during World War II.  The Japanese government wants to change the rules so they can move their armies and take on China because they don't trust Obama any longer.  The dollar is almost worthless but the Federal Reserve still pumps out fiat fake dollars.  Unemployment is so high they keep changing the rules how they come up with the number.  Over 50 million people will eat tonight because of government welfare food stamps. If they get sick, the have ObamaCare ACA to take care of them.  U.S. War ships are moving and they carry high priced missiles, brave Marines and they're going into harm's way, all because the President decided on Golf instead of doing his job, this weekend in Palm Springs is no different. 

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