Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 13, 2014

ISIS and the Obama Clinton Kerry Centralized Government Failure Al-Qaeda Taliban Muslim Brotherhood We're learning now that Obama has been asleep at the federal government, for a very long time. His famous tricks and well-known ability to talk his way out of trouble has caught up with him. As Al-Qaeda, Taliban and now ISIS Islamic Muslim Brotherhood radicals build their nation the Obama Administrative State, much like Sadam, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others proved almost worthless in the world.

We're learning now that Obama has been asleep at the federal government, for a very long time.  His famous tricks and well-known ability to talk his way out of trouble has caught up with him.  As Al-Qaeda, Taliban and now ISIS Islamic Muslim Brotherhood radicals build their nation the Obama Administrative State, much like Sadam, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others proved almost worthless in the world.

When you pull back the veil of mystery of the Obama Administrative State you find nothing superhuman and many say nothing at all.  Obama has spent trillions of dollars, hand feeding his friends, destroying the U.S. military and placing pain directly on the American people with nothing to show for it, unless you're a radical liberal, gay nut job, black farmer of some other special interest group. 

President Obama woke up again on a bed of spikes and all day long he'll have to explain the traitor Bergdahl landing in Texas, the ISIS raiding Syria and Iraq, the price of oil moving up, the IRS Constitutional threat, the NSA Domestic spying,  his ACA ObamaCare destroying jobs and futures and even the price of eggs in China.  As the world marvels at our worthless President Putin stand in Crimea, Hillary Clinton distorts her history inside her book Hard Choices.  Syria is burning to the ground.  Iraq has fallen to the muslim radicals and Iran is watching.  Obama, talking faster now.  

As tens of thousands of children, brown eyed illegal children, cross our borders and the people in Colorado get all doped up on Friday the 13th you should prepare your family for the financial collapse of America.

Like a sharp needle in the eye, you shut can't rub Obama out of your eye to stop the pain.  Barack Obama, the black radical street organizer, finding his roots in socialism, lying for welfare and education has distorted and corrupted America, first for the Negro not willing to work for economy, the illegal alien wetback not willing to do things right and now the Muslim Brothers around the world.  

Obama has no master plan.  He will never find his success in the truth so surely he will lie some more.

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