Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Friday, June 27, 2014

The IRS Flamethrower The Cold Blooded Illegal Criminal Constitutionally Corrupt Lois Lerner, The Frankenstein Government of Barack Obama. You're damn right. More fiendish than Watergate the IRS targeted the Tea Party with cunning and murderous success and secrets. Armed with confidential IRS information, Lois Lerner IRS and many others took out the IRS flamethrower and in a cold-blooded, illegal, constitutionally corrupt way destroyed the Tea Party before voter education could take place concerning the corrupt and radical President Barack Obama.

You're damn right.  More  fiendish than Watergate the IRS targeted the Tea Party with cunning and murderous success and secrets.  Armed with confidential IRS information, Lois Lerner IRS and many others took out the IRS flamethrower and in a cold-blooded, illegal, constitutionally corrupt way destroyed the Tea Party before voter education could take place concerning the corrupt and radical President Barack Obama.
The IRS illegal actions, the immoral objectives and the illegal cover-up is now a warlike action against the honest people of the United States. Darrell Issa has asked honest questions of Koskinen but the IRS commissioner has no real plans to cooperate with the people. If Eric Holder disrupts the investigation or does not constitute a DOJ Department of Justice special investigator he must be removed, no matter what the liar Obama may think. 
The IRS, the most deadly weapon that Obama, Clinton and Holder could use plans on slaughtering the middle-class, terrifying tax increases and continued wealth distribution.

The Obama Administrative Socialist State, the Frankenstein Government, enabled the IRS at best and most likely uses government power to hide their crimes.  We can fight the Taliban.  We can stop the ISIS in Iraq but Barack Obama is machine gunning the citizens with radical regulations, higher energy costs, illegal aliens, drugs, back door deals with Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorists.

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