Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tea Party Join Obama is Hard Left Radical, The political center is the literal perfect balance point of all the opinions, feelings, emotions, of all our people. It is the point of constitutional compromise, cooperation, concession and cooperation. It’s the center point for hand-shakes, constitutional law, bill of rights, individualism and independence. It’s the place of greatness.

Join The Tea Party Your country is being dismantled and the key parts of your freedom, free speech, free press and individual liberty and freedom is being taken away.  Everything you know about Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Rodham Clinton makes it clear that they want to take your property, your liberty and freedom.  Don't Delay, Join the Tea Party.

You are in DANGER.

The political center of America is the mid-range point of ideas, political thought, the center of left and right and should be considered the safe, strong, reliable and trustworthy point of opinion of all the citizens.

Obama is Hard Left Radical, The political center is the literal perfect balance point of all the opinions, feelings, emotions, of all our people.  It is the point of constitutional compromise, cooperation, concession and cooperation.  It’s the center point for hand-shakes, constitutional law, bill of rights, individualism and independence.  It’s the place of greatness.

As with any direction it is subject to change.  The democratic republic can move to the left or move to the right.  These movements are common and a natural indication of people changing their minds, some new technology changing the world,  and even by some abnormal complex strategy. We’re confident that you’ve noticed the American Democratic Republic is acting in a very irregular, uncharacteristic or strange way. You know this now, Obama is a radical, Obama is dangerous, Obama will destroy the United States of America. 

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