Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

G.M. is alive and Osama Bin Laden is Dead and Barack Obama sent big boy troops to Iraq to destroy the U.S. embassy and all the NSA, CIA, DOD, spy gear. What a day, IRS says they've lost a bunch more email but Obama is changing the news cycle. All the trains and cars stopped, FOX news just announced that Obama has caught one of the bastards that planned the Benghazi murders. In the basement of the White House a few men sit back in their chairs and smile. The basement boys couldn't do anything just yet about Obama's history coming to the surface, surely you know his Social Security Number is fake but a Federal Judge won't hear the case. Lois Lerner IRS knew about the fake Obama Social Security Number and she sent emails to the Social Security Administration to help hide the facts. Things were getting hot around the White House, ISIS has stinger missiles, the worlds best, made in America. Barack is flat on his ass and his friends have secrets notes for their own books. What to do?

G.M. is alive and Osama Bin Laden is Dead and Barack Obama sent big boy troops to Iraq to destroy the U.S. embassy and all the NSA, CIA, DOD, spy gear.  What a day, IRS says they've lost a bunch more email but Obama is changing the news cycle. All the trains and cars stopped, FOX news just announced that Obama has caught one of the bastards that planned the Benghazi murders.  In the basement of the White House a few men sit back in their chairs and smile.  The basement boys couldn't do anything just yet about Obama's history coming to the surface, surely you know his Social Security Number is fake but a Federal Judge won't hear the case.  Lois Lerner IRS knew about the fake Obama Social Security Number and she sent emails to the Social Security Administration to help hide the facts.  Things were getting hot around the White House, ISIS has stinger missiles, the worlds best, made in America.  Barack is flat on his ass and his friends have secrets notes for their own books.  What to do?
Obama told them Friday to go ahead and announce that the retard Ansar al-Sharia commander Ahmed Abu Khattala, was captured Sunday during a joint U.S. military and law enforcement operation, and will face prosecution in the United States.
It worked, clean as a whistle and quietly they pulled off another crime against America to save Barack Obama.  That son-of-a-bitch Ansar Al Sharia had been in a cage for several months now but now they're going to dazzle us. 
Iraq is at war, Iran is a major force and Hillary cannot sell her books.  The progressive liberal democratic socialists had to do something, they had to get the online electrons moving in their direction, they had to excite the base because Obama is going to war. 

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