Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Monday, June 16, 2014

Iran Iraq ISIS Al-Qaeda Taliban GITMO The music had stopped but, nobody noticed, not in America anyway, Barack was parading through the White House Party checking out the girls which were winking for approval inside the infant culture of the White House.

The White House audience roared and clapped, their glasses upraised as a toast to President Barack Obama. Barack was parading through the White House Party checking out the girls which were winking for approval inside the infant culture of the White House.
At the exact same time, the rise of the Persian Empire was at hand but that was far away as Barack Obama put his foot on a priceless piece of furniture, estimated to be worth ten million dollars and flipped the dust off his shoe.
Barack knew that extremely delicate work was being done by John Kerry to convince Iran to move thousands of their troops into Iraq, and they would have to make a deal. 
Obama knew the ballet, he had danced with Putin but he had his rhythm back now, no more mistakes.  
The United States would let Iran have a nuclear weapon and give them a sizeable part of Iraq.  That's what they wanted and the Shah's of Persia held all the cards.
The ISIS troops were marching to their throne in Bagdad and Obama had been warned, adding a great deal of power to the Republicans.  The Islamic Muslim inlaying to combine  Syria, Jordan, Iran and Iraq was taking place and the footlights were pointed at Barack Obama and his famous Al-Qaeda Taliban GITMO terrorist swap for Bergdhal, the perfect storm.
Obama's tap dancing wouldn't work this time, he had punctured the American spirit, and the flesh and blood of men were still lukewarm on the desert sands of Iraq.
But, not to worry tonight, his sensation had started and the hot dance music started, the blond, fortyish maybe was hot and she liked Barack's flair and wisecracks about Congress and the fat guy from New Jersey.

It was good to be king. 

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