Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat

Main Stream Media Uses Negro as Scapegoat
President Trump Unites All Americans Through Education Hard Work Honest Dealings and Prosperity United We Stand Against Progressive Socialists DNC Democrats Negro Race Baiting Using Negroes For Political Power is Over and the Main Stream Media is Imploding FAKE News is Over in America

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How Much Is A Wampum Impeachment Worth in BitCoins, Obama has a Heap Big Problem Now, The Outlaw - Outlawed the Word Redskin Which Is Against The Law Ain't dat sumpin? They ain't no more Redskins. If you voted for Barack Obama the first time, it's o.k., he fooled a lot of people, If you voted for Obama two times you're suffering from stinking thinking. One by one my theory about President Barack Obama falls to hell. I thought his power was founded in his tremendous popularity but, he ain't that popular anymore. I don't know why Obama is presenting so many problems to the American citizens and why I just laugh sometimes at the President. The name Redskins is not the problem its the radical President being dumber than dirt, some may say.

Ain't dat sumpin?  They ain't no more Redskins.  If you voted for Barack Obama the first time, it's o.k., he fooled a lot of people,  If you voted for Obama two times you're suffering from stinking thinking.  One by one my theory about President Barack Obama falls to hell.  I thought his power was founded in his tremendous popularity but, he ain't that popular anymore. I don't know why Obama is presenting so many problems to the American citizens and why I just laugh sometimes at the President. The name Redskins is not the problem its the radical President being dumber than dirt, some may say. 
The Obama mystery, strange to be sure, is a lot more complicated than I originally thought.  I ask everybody I see "What is Barack Obama good at?" and not one man could answer me.  He is kind of an amusing King of sorts because he thinks he's immune from punishment but he does have an uncanny ability to do just about everything against the law.
He does have a particular gift for a liar because you can just about believe him if you didn't know him.  You can tell that he has a lot of pent-up emotions about being a black Negro and that might be driving his anti-redskin name calling.  It's most likely some kind of repression that escapes him once in a while causing him to be stupid.
The daily stress of being President must be tough but the power must be a narcotic for Barack Obama.  He has done nothing noteworthy but he still dreams that he's King.  I would guess that he gets pleasure by pissing people off or distortion of words and ideas.  It might just be a black thing.  He cannot hear the people protesting and gets mad because he never gets immediate results except negatives. 
Barack Obama does have a mental problem, really.  A child like man, Barack Obama, believes in the omnipotence or supremacy of his thoughts which should influence and control all the actions of other people. 
Meaning, Obama believes that his thoughts are more important than the laws of the land and his thoughts should be sufficient to get things done.
Bank robbers have the same thought patterns. 
Obama wants to be happy and have carefree days of playing Golf even when world events require his attention, child like.  A thousand people could die today in Iraq by the hands of ISIS but Obama will read and be talking about the Patent and Trademark's comments about taking away the value of the word "Redskin", which is child like.  Obama is childish.  Obama babbles.
You might remember Rah-rah-rah - Siss-boom-bah which college kids yelled way back when.  The yelling of nothing is meaningless unless you're the President of the United States.  
The White House boys yell, vent their queer pent up emotions and anger just like young college boys.  If you take away the White House rhetoric and replace it with logic you will surely discover, using proper grammar and composition that Obama is so far over his head that the United States is in danger.
Eenie-meenie-minie-mo is meaningless but it's a good way to pick out the daily national policy concerning Terrorist swaps, ISIS in Iraq, NSA domestic spying, EPA coal war, BLM BUNDY cattle raid, FAST and FURIOUS gun running, the KEYSTONE pipeline, Illegal Aliens, Bergdahl yes or no, the ACA Affordable Care Act ObamaCare just to name a few of Obama Classic mistakes, eenie-meenie-minie-mo White House.
The circus about "Redskins" is just another example of childhood expression.  Obama wants to live in his own paradise, divorce Michelle, change slave history and get somebody, anybody to agree with him. 
Obama has been oppressed, his preacher told him, God Damn America but his fancied words always oppress others.  Kids still want to be teachers or policeman but they don't want to be president.  I thought the "Redskin" prohibition was a gag and another Obama skit but I'll be damn its true.
Cultured human beings don't get the progressive liberal democratic socialist Barack Obama but as long as the minority has the U.S. checkbook they got to kiss his ass.

Rah-rah-rah - Siss-boom-bah, 

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